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Everything posted by corsa

  1. << << Davie .. My babes is going on Friday .... all thanks to bloody LV >> So John talked you into getting something else then? John at S & S seems to be quite good at doing that at the moment! >> Aye yer right Gordon i went down for a new dog guard for the wagon and ended up buyin the STI
  2. Did you check to see whether your insurance allows it Steve?
  3. Better still ,go to the GMSC site and you can download the regs when they come out. crail stages regs link
  4. Actually Brian it has done nearly 4K and as far as the rain!! that didnt stop me i parked up under a bridge until it went off
  5. Went for a wee run today from Glasgow-Fort William-Mallaig,back to Fort William and then homeward bound via the Clachaig Inn for lunch. Although it was a tad wet crackin roads,crackin scenery and lovely lunch. Oh and also seen a few scoobs there and back; White classic M8 renfrew 09.30 ish Silver bugly that didnae wave back Loch lomond road. Silver wagon kinlochleven area with a Chevette alongside it caged up for sale. STi Fort Milliam buying some mountaineering stuff then again filling up at Esso on my way back. Blue wagon parked up at Fort William Silver Ra with big wing and front splitter Ft William,local boy me thinks Oh and also a silver Evo 6 in Mallaig Thats us up that way until the snow comes for some scary roads!!!
  6. Any quick Corsas going Ian?
  7. Tour of Mull Beginning of October Kingdom Stages at Crail last round of the STRC on 5th November. Other than travelling to Englandshire not much left up here.
  8. 1.TheSquirrel555 .......................... Both .............................. Silver/Chrome 2. SCOOBAY....................................Both................................???????????? 3.Billyboy........................................Both.................................???????????? 4.Sti-zlv(matt).................................Both..................................??????????? 5. wrxmania (Brian).........................Both.............................................. 6. Zeolite (Ian).................................Not fussed TBH 7. JAC..............................................Both....................................Silver 8. kart_man.....................................Both...................................However the come ! 9. karps...........................................Both................................do they come in burberry 10 StevoWRX ..................................Both...........................Need something to replace those S/Net stickers ! 11 Spooks ..................................Both...........................??????????? 12 higgy.......................................both..............................black or silver 13 stiks....................................Both........STi pink or gold please 14 grasshopper..... yup. 15. Trance.............................Both.................In silver please/chrome even!! 16. Dougster.............................(you know me, I'll have anything going!!!! ) 17.WRC No 1..................................Both..................................??????????????? 18. Sti-04!! ....................................Both...................................?????????????? 19. Devlin ......................................Both....................................?????????????? 20. andyjdmsti..................................both..............................?????????????? 21. Hybridturbo..................................Both.................................. 22. sKunk..........................................both................................?????????????? 23. Spince.........................................Both.................................????????????? 24. Gordon Shek...............................Both.................................Whatever so long as it doesn't have anything to do with Scummynet! 25. corsa..........................................both..................................whatever.
  10. Is it just past Forth Electricals head office?
  11. 1. Sti-zlv (Matt) 2. CAZ1562 (Derek - Silver WRX) 3. TheSquirrel555 4. wrxmania (I think) 5. Devlin (Barry - Green turbo) 6. Rallye 6 (Bryan - stickered UK300 IIRC) 7. Corsa (Blue one!!!)
  12. Was speaking to our rally car sponsor who said he may have a deal if there are enough people interested. What he has to offer is Toyo 215/45/Z17 T1S at a price of £91.50 per tyre inclusive of balancing,fitting and VAT. Dont know if anybody would be interested or if there is another size more popular but i thought i would let you guys know anyway. Davie. PS the tyre supplier is in East Kilbride. Any questions just contact me.
  13. Maps fine ,roads a good mixture of twisties and fast flowing sections topped off by a nice wee pub. Oh and the picture on the front of the maps looks great Grant Davie Sharon Wee Amy. sti04
  14. Wife,wean will be coming but no BBQ as the forecast says its gonnae pash down.
  15. 1. Smiddy - Phil (ex SN SCOSaltire) - elise... soon 2. wrxmania - Brian - 2003 WRX Silver 4 door 3. karps - stickered up 03 sti 4. CAZ1562 - Derek - 1995 WRX silver 4 door 5. JAC - Prodrive MY02 "333" Sti with 1 or 2 mods (inc. sti pink wheels for show & track use ) 6. Evojkp - Evo7 although still a member on a technicality (ie paid membership for a year!) 7. sti-zlv (matt) 03sti PPP 8. Sti-04!! (will find out next week what i have got) 9. kart_man (Std P1) 10. Carl (MY98 UKT aka The Fridge) 11. Coulster(MY99 ecutek 2 decat) 12. Willie - Prodrive STI7 MY02 PPP 13. MikeABZ - Accord Type R 14. Zeolite - (MY99 wagon) with towbar! 15. Grasshopper 16. Dougster (MY97 white wagon) 17. Paul_wrx_sti - (my03sti) 18. Ev(my96ukturbo wagon,aka Evski) 19. WRC No 1 (wullie) - my97 silver wagon 20. ormiboy JDM 95 21. Stiks ( just got off the last plane from Planet Snet! )- Sti my02 custom exhaust and some carbon bits >> 22. weeb my93 silver wrx 23. Lightning101 (MY03 Silver WRX with Pimp Tints and Weight Penalty) 24. Bladerider (black WRX, and Honda Fireblade) 25. SCOOBAY (white STi03) 26. sKunk (WRBlue STi8 PPP) 27. Corsa formerly opelcorsa ( STI 04 firestorm exhaust centre decat,free sti matts,free WRC mud flaps,Pink "I" badge)
  16. Looks like i better start on here aswell because nobody left to talk to over the road.
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