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Posts posted by corsa

  1. Khumos are great( including on the Rally car) and i have tried various brands including Bridgestone/Vredestien/Michelin on the Scoob but the most impressive tyre by far was the Toyo Proxes T1R.

    It totally transformed the STI handling and if the fronts had a wee bit more wear on them i would bin the Vredestiens and swap with the Toyos.

    I can get a fantastic deal on these or any other tyres from our tyre sponsor in EK so if you want to get them send me a PM and i can put you in contact.



  2. Friday..Drove up from Leeds (knackered went to bed at 9pm)[|-)]


    Saturday..Slept till 10am!! Got the Scoob out for it`s weekly run,shops,bank then Gym in the afternoon,pasta for Tea ( bed at 8.30pm)[|-)]


    Sunday..Up at 1AM YES 1AM[:#] to meet up with the guys at whatsitcalled to drive to Blackpool for the Wheeton Camp stages.

    Got the morning stages out of the way ,service in stage 4 we bust a gearbox actuator pipe.END OF RALLY.

    4hr drive home,nae sleep and bed by 9pm.




    Roll on next weekend till i do nought.[|-)]

  3. Well folks heres the wee report for you all;



    Once again Davie Hatrick of GMC-MOTORSPORT joined forces with John Marshall of BEATSONS MOTORSPORT to compete in this gruelling three day event held in the town of Hinckley, Leicestershire.The Subaru Impreza N555 BAT had recently undergone some major engine and transmission work and John and I were in an upbeat mood regarding the upcoming event.The event format was a three day rally over some of the most testing surfaces and stages the area had to offer.


    Friday Evening leg 1.


    With the town centre closed off for the start ramp procedures we were waved off the start line by the Mayor of Hinckley and headed to the first two stages at Mallory Park racetrack on the Friday evening.

    The two stages went well with the crew and the car performing in top form and matching the stage time given by Tom Morris in the MG Metro 6R4.

    There was a super special stage organised round part of the closed off town centre and through the grounds of the council offices but due to there being too many crews taking an incorrect route on the short 0.7mile stage the organisers decided to cancel the times on this stage,and we completed the short stage for the benefit of the thousands of spectators who turned up to see the action on their doorstep in the evening sunshine.

    The car was then driven to Parc-Ferme overnight in the position of joint leaders for the 9am start on the Saturday Morning.


    Saturday Leg 2.


    Today's format was once again a ceremonial start in the Town Centre followed by 9 stages shared between Mallory park and the MIRA test facility.

    The first stage of the day at the MIRA test facility was 16.5 miles of roads that can only be described as some of the most demanding the cars would ever compete in,with crests,adverse cambers,fast straights,tight chicanes and a banked oval circuit it proved to be suited just right for the Subaru.With no dramas and incident free rallying we were continually having to push to try and gain more time on the 6R4 of Morris who had previously won the event 3 times.the next two stages were a return visit to Mallory Park racetrack and on the first loop of three at the circuit we had a half spin at approx. 80mph wiping out a chicane and causing some minor panel damage to the offside rear quarter panel.

    At the end of the stage we surveyed the damage and minor as it was it was causing the rear wheel to rub on the bodywork so a bit of pulling of the wheel arch rectified the wheel rubbing.

    The next few stages ran well but a return to MIRA saw us run wide on a very fast right hand bend and losing traction we slid wide and ran along the Armco barrier causing more panel damage but as we kept the power down it minimised the extend and later we only found a small scratch to the rear door and rear quarter panel.(both sides now having matching damage!!)


    Back to service at the Bosworth Country Park and a well earned lunch break saw the service crew hard at work changing the diff setting and tweaking the suspension,changed the two rear discs as they had warped and the comprehensive checks all complete the crew could relax before going out for another trip to the MIRA test Facility followed by another two stages at Mallory Park then parc-Ferme for the evening.


    Around 9 miles into the next stage after lunch at MIRA on a long straight pulling around 125MPH the car lost all power,with no electric's we found a safe place and ground to a halt to try and find the problem.Both John and I searched frantically for loose connections,broken wires,burnt wires or indeed the battery connections we could not rectify the fault.


    With that we had lost far too much time and admitted we were out of the rally.We were both utterly disappointed in the electrical failure and it was a sombre very long drive home that night.


    With only a week to go till the next Rally with John at Wheeton camp in Blackpool the electrical fault will have to be found and the bodywork repaired to get the pristine car ready for this single venue event.




    Meanwhile the Corsa of GMC-MOTORSPORT is back up and running after spending a four figure sum on upgrading the engine and gearbox.the format for the Corsa is that we have entered the Turnbull Trophy Rally in Northumberland on the 23rd of July.With the event only six or so weeks away it will give us plenty of time to do the 4-500 miles of running the new engine in and also get used to the other modifications we have completed in the car.

    After the required running in period is over we shall have the car taken to a tuning specialist who will re-map the ECU on the car and give it a few power runs on the rolling road to ensure the car is running at peak power.


    GMC-Motorsport will be updating again shortly on the progress of the new components.





    Davie Hatrick




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