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Posts posted by corsa

  1. Gallagher on Course for World Title

    Ireland’s Shaun Gallagher finished Rally Norway this weekend first in his class, picking up a coveted Junior World Championship point, and is leading in the Rookie category, setting the stage for an exciting Championship year. The Donegal driver was partnered by Welshman Clive Jenkins.

    Despite an initial poor tyre choice on Leg 1, Saturday and Sunday saw Gallagher keep a steady pace in his Citroen whilst other competitors continued to struggle with the ice and snow of the Norwegian stages. He was delighted with his eighth place finish, but more so with finishing within the points. "I achieved my objective this weekend by securing a place on the leader board. As I get used to the car over the course of the Championship, I hope to move up the rankings and pick up more points along the way with the ultimate aim of securing the Rookie of the Year title. This is a great start to the year," he said.

    The JWRC Opening round was won by Sweden’s Per Gunnar Andersson in a Suzuki Swift with fellow countryman Patrick Sandell in second and Estonian’s Urmo Aava in third. World Rally Team Ireland owner, Tommy Mullen, said: "We’re very happy to finish in the points and are making plans for the next round in Portugal at the end of March.

    In the WRC competition in Norway, problems with the ice and snow resulted in the top teams driving their own rallies for a finish. BP Ford World Rally Team duo Mikko Hirvonen and Marcus Gronholm, both from Finland, held first and second places going into the final leg. Three and a half minutes behind them in third and fourth were Norwegian brothers Petter Soldberg (Subaru) and Henning Soldberg (Ford). Current World Champion Sebastian Loeb (France) had a disastrous rally, going off the road twice in Leg 2 and the resulting time delays dropping him to 16th overall and out of points contention.

    This weekend saw Norway's debut in the World Rally Championships and given the gap of over fourteen minutes in the top ten finishers, there were problems aplenty for competitors in coming to grips with the unfamilar terrain.  Rally Ireland, which makes its entry into the championships in November this yeat, will doubtless prove a much more straightforward transition, albeit onto the unfamiliar and sometimes unpredictable tarmac of the north-west!
  2. Another wee snippet of information.

    And a BTT[H]

    They are only running 90 cars and of that only 45 places will be allocated too non pwrc/wrc crews and with upwards of 70 wrc's and at least 100 class 4 grpN cars in ireland an entry might be hard got.

    But if you are lucky enoughto get to do the event there is only one company to deal with for ferries and that allsport logistics give dave a call and he will sort you out 0187359500



  3. Correct me if i am wrong but is the place you rolled down in the direction of Dunoon,if so i have a couple of photos of a green Mk2 rolling at the same spot.


    The John Wilson Bedroom stages!! my god thats going back a bit!!

    Will look out some of mine and post later.

  4. I had a bad day as well last week when some to$$er came over a bridge,on the wrong side of the road while i was stationary!! giving him the right of way and crunch,Vectra requires some new bits.





  5. Grant, i have no idea why you are on your soapbox at the moment but you can be assured it was a genuine comment.When someone has knowledge of an item, car, line of work i would much rather go to that person than someone i dont know.

    It was out of respect of your knowledge that i put your name forward ,nothing sarky but if thats the way you think i play then you are wrong. 

    I genuinly thought you could give this guy help and advice but clearly i was wrong.

    My apologies for apparantly getting it wrong yet again.

    woosh woosh for now.[:P]





  6. TBH i think its a great looking car, i remember there were a lot of folk on here saying the detested the hawkeye and the next thing they have one.


    I have already enquired about this car today and been told that there will be some more information forthcoming over the next fortnight.


    Look forward to it.

  7. Finland's Marcus Grönholm and Timo Rautiainen won the Galway International Rally today in a Focus RS World Rally Car, gaining valuable experience of the Irish roads ahead of Rally Ireland’s debut in the FIA World Rally Championship in November.

    "It's a good way to celebrate my birthday," said Grönholm, who is 39 tomorrow. "It's always good to win but the real reason for being here was to learn about the roads and develop a good feeling with the car ahead of Rally Ireland. The roads were totally different to anything I have driven on before, with many blind crests which required total accuracy with the pace notes.

    "It was hard for me during the first day but by the end of the weekend I had a good feeling with the car and my confidence had improved. I'm pleased to have come here because the experience was good and the welcome from the Irish fans was unbelievable," he added.

    Grönholm was a hugely popular figure throughout the event. Huge crowds packed the stages to watch the double world champion in action and he was besieged by autograph hunters and fans seeking photograph souvenirs wherever he went.

    BP-Ford team director Malcolm Wilson said: "We came here to learn as a team and for Marcus to benefit as a driver. We tried various different suspension settings and Marcus finished the event with a good knowledge of what these types of road require. We'll go back and analyse the data but I believe it was well worth the effort of competing here because we have a large bank of information which will assist us greatly when preparing for Rally Ireland."

    Coming in second were Irish duo Gareth MacHale and Paul Nagle, who had their first outing this weekend in the 2006 Ford Focus WRC, which fittingly enough had seen Grönholm take four wins in the 2006 Championship. It was their first competitive event in the left-hand drive car, which will see the pair contest 12 rounds of the Championships this year.

    MacHale said: "We’re very pleased with the outcome this weekend, with how the car handled and how we adapted to it and, of course, with finishing second behind a WRC legend like Marcus Grönholm. We hope that we can sustain that level of professionalism in WRC this season, and let the world know that Irish rallying really is on top of its form."

    Rally Ireland's debut in WRC will see the unique event cover stages in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and will be the largest sporting event on the island this year. The rally takes place in the beautiful north-west region and is likely to be amongst the most picturesque rounds of the Championship.

    The results for the top five competitors in the Galway International Rally were:

    1 Grohnolm/Rautiainen Finland Ford Focus WRC 1:57:14.4

    2 MacHale/Nagle Ireland Ford Focus WRC 2:00:06.4

    3 Higgins/Kennedy Wales Subaru WRC 2:00:56.5

    4 Boland/Regan Ireland Ford Focus WRC 2:01:09.6

    5 Lynch/Noble Ireland Ford |Focus WRC 2:02:26.4

  8. This site is basically a motoring forum whereby you can name and shame other drivers,it also has a lot of good information.


    Made by a couple of Scottish guys.


    Looks interesting and just thought i would share.

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