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Everything posted by Blue_Thunder

  1. Hi all, I recall having a conversation with someone at the last Kent Scoobies Warf meet about good roads to take the Scooby for a blat along in Kent. They suggested that there were some cracking roads in the vacinity of Bluewater. I wonder if anyone would be so kind to elaborate (perhaps provide a streetmap link). I'd be approaching Bluewater from the A2 traveling away from london. If anyone knows of any other good roads in Kent, please do enlighten me. I don't get out enough with Scooby recently owing to the lack of good roads anywhere remotely local. National speed limit roads are prefered- I don't want to have to break any speed limits to have fun [] Also if anyone can recommend anywhere I'd like to travel to with Scooby for a driving break, that be great too. Many thanks for any advice given. All the best, Paul
  2. Hi all, Just joined the forum so I'm signing in. I have a MY99 DBM Scooby with Gold wheels, a H&S backbox and a road angel 2! :-) More modifications are planned ;-) We'll see what Santa brings! See you at the meets! Best wishes, Paul.
  3. Hi Pele, I did wonder why you looked so shaken up after returning from the drive in the WRX RA, I thought maybe the car's accelleration was responsible; I've heard they're pretty fearsome to drive. I'm glad you and the car are ok though. It could indeed happen to anyone. I know a few very experienced performance car drivers than have nearly come a cropper with non-ABS cars, it's easy to forget when you're used to driving one with ABS, particularly if some-one cuts you up! By way of contrast, I had got so accustomed to driving non-ABS cars as a student, I now brake like a complete wimp in the Scooby!! :-) That said, the brakes did get a good test the other day when a female 6th former from a local school just stepped out in front of me at a side turning :-O. Yikes, when I said I wanted to be "a hit" with the ladies that's not quite what I meant!! :-D Best wishes, Paul.
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