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About Iceicebaby1980

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  1. Yeah it's says that about the image being to big . I'm trying to find out if my car has had any work done to the internals no paperwork to say it has . But it was mapped by andy Forrest about 3 years ago I have a graph to prove and receipt for the mapping . Cars running 365bhp and 420 torque . Seems a lot of power for a standard uk engine to run for that length of time and not have any issues .
  2. Hi looking for information about my car. As I think two of the previous owners are members on here. I've tried to upload a picture but for some reason it won't let me . The car is a aspen white Hawkeye reg sj56jtu
  3. Yeah looks exactly the same. Just says I'm only aloud to load a certain amount of data when trying to post pic from my phone
  4. Struggling to post pictures. What's the best way ?
  5. Bought this car at the end of August. Think 2-3 of the previous owners are member on here. For some reason it won't let me upload pics from my I phone ? My cars a aspen White Hawkeye 56 reg
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