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Everything posted by leon77

  1. until

    Don't forget those stickers tomoz floz?
  2. until

    Hay that's not fair!!!!? make sure it doesn't peel of before Friday he he ??
  3. A lovely classic your doing the right thing as to bringing it back to its original colour white. I have a classic 1999 gray myself and I think it' time to bring these iconic machines back it' a great project to take on and hopefully you will be able to find some history......... keep updating pics Ile be doing the same enjoy?
  4. until

    Happy days looking fwd.... I'm going to sort out membership next few days ok to do this on the site?? ?
  5. until

    Yes still waiting!!!! Any time now can't wait ? that's it then my fathering job is complete.. more time then to invest in the Scooby ? and more trips out with you guys next season ?
  6. until

    Well still waiting for my girlfriend to go into labour!!!? hope you guys have a great ride looks like there some great roads..... pics..?
  7. until

    Gutted not going to be able to make this one! my girlfriend is due to give birth around this time!!! Hope you all have a good one ?.... ?looking fwd to the next..... .
  8. until

    I've got some too.... need to some how 're size them to upload of my phone!!!! I'm dusting of laptop ile try sending them there!!!
  9. until

    Up nice and early ready to set of shortly ? see you guys in a short while... ?
  10. until

    That's a good idea ill do the same.. what time that open ? nice and early I hope.....
  11. until

    Gutted working till Friday but half a day so ill give the scoop a good clean n polish... under seal complete looks like new well chuffed ? then ile set off early Sat morning see you guys then ?..........
  12. until

    Could you also bring a print out floz if that's ok I've only got my mobile phone for sat nav thanks ?.......
  13. until

    Great ile note these down ready.... wow can't wait now I need a good blast off ??
  14. until

    We won't have time to get lost ? ile bring me bivvy just in case......
  15. until

    Clock is ticking for this one ? realy looking forward now!!!!??? the roads are looking better and better..?
  16. until

    OK that's great ile be heading there for 9ish.... I've got no car sat nav just my Samsung phone Google maps a print out will do or ile follow a group if thats what will happen?? ☺ ....... can't wait.
  17. until

    What is a good time to meet up in the morning before blast off???
  18. until

    Omg the roads look awesome just been looking were going to have to get some great picks of the cars...... did I here someone has a drone that would be immense ??
  19. until

    I might let him!! Trouble is he is good but I'm in charge now bless him... looking fwd now?.....
  20. until

    I might be bringing my 70year old dad if allowed? Ex lombard rac driver he can still pack a punch ? old and the new happy days?
  21. until

    I bet you can't wait? I had mine done last week so realy happy now absolute rocket now!! can't wait be good to catch up with you guys and have a good run out?
  22. until

    Only 4 weeks to go!!!!! How many will attend?????
  23. until

    Not long now!!! Car is out know running sweat as a nut wow? great job for the guys at pole position definitely recommend..... she is READY for this one......... ?
  24. until

    How long now!!! Looking forward to this ?I'm gonna make sure car is ready for this one few sensor issues at mo getting fixed next week?
  25. until

    Looking forward to this trip ? I will be setting off nice and early..... car booked in at pole position for a scooby love check next week ?happy days...
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