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Everything posted by Ben_s_1

  1. 1)MY94 2)ormiboy 3)ben_s_1
  2. alright m8, what colour is the other scooby thatgose about and what bhp is that? cheers
  3. not sure about 11/12. and leaving from anywhere along the city bypass, i am the same never been.well if you want to meet then just give me a pm. cheers
  4. hi every one is there any one going to a.w.d. openday from edinburgh or east lothian? cheers.
  5. good good it should be a good day. is there a few scoobys heading through? is there any one heading from edinburgh? cheers.
  6. hi m8, what sort off power has your scooby got? so is there not one other scooby down your way?
  7. i am in edinburgh every weekend and it is pritty pants, where about do you go in edinburgh?
  8. hi is there any one going to be out and about in falkkirk tonight? where is the best places to go arond that area? cheer
  9. hi there any one out and about in bathgate or falkirk tonight? cheers
  10. hi a was wondering if there is any meets in the Edinburgh area soon? thanks
  11. i will definatlly be there if there is a space, (classic with full prodrive pack)
  12. i am intarested in coming to the rr day, and just wonered if there is still spaces? and where is dastek? thanks .
  13. Hi, Has anyone got a flamer kit fitted in the edinburgh area?
  14. hi i have just bought a flamer kit and wondered if any one has ever fitted one beffor? and how hard is it?
  15. hi has any one fitted a flamer kit to ther impreza? if so is it hard? thanks
  16. hi i was just wondering if there is ever any scotish meets, around the Edinburgh area?
  17. thanks for the advice, just ordered one. cheers
  18. how is the best person to see about gettin my ECU remapped? i stay in east lothian and if there is any one in that area how can do it let me know how. cheers
  19. well how would i go about doing that?
  20. i was wondering if any one knows anywhere i can get a flamer kit for my impreza? cheers.
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