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Everything posted by wez

  1. i have to say this is one of the best cars ive seen and been, in. Wes
  2. Jap car meet in bluewaters, top floor by the cinema, from about 8, last meet was really good. Wes
  3. i wont be there tonight as my car went back to the garage with a list of problems, but have a good meet, Wes
  4. Happy new year to all, Wes
  5. Merry Christmas to all Wes & Caroline.
  6. sorry to hear about you car mate, at least you still have your van. Wes
  7. i cant stay at the hotel now as we need to be somewhere on saturday, so before i cancel the room does anyone want it? Wes
  8. did you receive cheque?
  9. im back did you miss me! Thanks to everyone who signed card, was a great surprise, also thank you Lee and Pele for turning up hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, Wes and Caroline,
  10. i will next time i see you !
  11. take it youve done that Allen! :-)
  12. dont get any ideas, phil
  13. phil where are you getting your car cleaned as mine really needs doing as it really dirty, Wes
  14. hopefully you will join us for a few drinks on the day phil? Also you wont mind your car in our photo? Wes
  15. Thank you, looking forward to seeing you at the reception, Phil i do have a invite for you and family for the reception on the saturday if you are free, Wes and caroline
  16. Happy Birthday Pele. Lee hope your taking your credit card :-)
  17. Happy Birthday for tomorrow Pele, hope you both have a great day out, Wes and Caroline.
  18. Hotel room all booked for this night, Wes
  19. Pele, Really sorry just found today i have to work tomorrow, got my dates wrong, so can you take me of the list please and let someone else go instead. Thanks Wes
  20. Thanks for a good day out, and my car didnt go bang which was good, Thanks to Arron for looking at my brakes for me, email you tomorrow. Wes
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