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Everything posted by P500RTY

  1. What kind of set up did you get? Also where did you go? Graham
  2. Cheers Joshua. I do similar driving and like you I just want put the best fluids in the car. Thank you for the information. Graham
  3. Cheers for the feedback folks!! Graham
  4. Hey Lewis I was recommended to use 10w 60 as the car is becuase the car is running 330lbs torque and 280 HP. But was thinking the same myself but i went with the two mechanics recomendation. Havent had a problem with the Lucus oil thats in the now seems to run smooth. Was just going the advice given. Do you reckon the 10w 50 would suit better? Engine oil can be a bit of a mindfield. Cheers Graham
  5. Hi Folks Anyone use this oil? (Millers Engine Oil CFS 10W60 Full Synthetic NT NANODRIVE) Just looking to see if anyone has used this oil and think its worth the upgrade and extra cash? Don't use the car on the track just fast road use. Thanks Graham
  6. Love the guys work He done 3" turbo back system on my 2008 WRX Sounds Awesome Looks Great and Performance Gains were wicked! Graham.
  7. Brilliant Thanks for the info guys can't wait to get rid of the clunk. Will let you all know what i go for and when. Cheer's Graham
  8. Hi Folks Is anyone running BC BR Coilovers just looking for some feedback? Are they good road & fast road coilovers or should i keep saving for Tein or KW's Thanks Graham
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