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About Mako

  1. Don't want to hijack Brians thread but aye tis me Will give ye a bell pal Russ
  2. Aye, if you want decent aftersales service with Subaru then go to Grieves Sad that I have to say that but if you ain't merc then forget Perth.
  3. I'm still here. Still watching Big ane
  4. Cheers Jimser, Craig, I'm quite enjoying Honda at the moment but like they say, "never say never" eh!! Russ
  5. Sorry pal, didn't mean to ignore ye Things are fine bud, now working for Honda. So at least I've stayed japanese. See you've picked up no10 scoob now. Whit a man. This one be visiting a local track??? Will try and get down to a meet sometime soon, will bring the bike. Russ
  6. "We used to be Vauxhall dealers!!!! Hows it goin auld yin anyway,missin that old banter Gav" Hey buddy Aye things are fine. Definately miss the banter of old though How's everyone doing down there? Must try and catch up soon Russ
  7. As some of you may know I left Subaru in April down to some of the same reasons that Grant had. I have however kept in contact with the Franchise and yes Subaru are talking to a certain individual in Dundee about taking on the franchise. I just hope that if they do get it they do not make the same mistakes that certain other dealers in the area have made. Namely.... For God's sake have a management and sales team that actually has an interest in the product and cares about its customers. Get a dedicated service dept that knows its product and will listen and accept that some subaru owners do actually know a bit about their cars. Realise that Subaru owners are not Renault, Vauxhall, Hyundai, Mercedes or any other manufacturer owners and are a bit special. Treat its staff with a bit of respect and if they get good people hold on to them. If the rumours are true and Dundee does get a dealer then I really hope they make a better go of it than some of the dealers out there. Rant over Russ
  8. Nice one me old son Now she'll stop as good as she goes. Must catch up soon mucker. Russ
  9. All test drives carried out on private road while adhering to national speed limits (read... laws of physics) Glad you enjoyed yourselves today. Made me really want to get another track car this year and be able to take you out round knockhill and show what a scoob can really do. Hmmmm must start collecting the pennies. Gus, you free for co-driver duties Russ
  10. Well, just came in here to post up about the absolutely lovely customers I had in over the last couple of days and here I see I've been beaten to it. Alan-G and Fab1, it was an absolute pleasure helping make your dreams come true today. You actually brought it back to me why I do my job. For all the cr&p that I sometimes have to put up with, having customers (friends) like you two make all the rubbish fade away. So glad that Gus' Fozzy is going to such a good home. Oh and just how CUTE is my new girlfriend Holly. She is an angel Speak soon Russ
  11. Looking fantastic buddy Russ
  12. Hmm, I likey Pal. When am I getting a pax lap? Russ
  13. Some wonderful touching comments. This just hasn't sunk in yet. So So sad. The man as has already been said was a Hero, a Legend. Colin, you and Johnny are forever in our thoughts. Russ & Jackie
  14. Gon yersel pal
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