well i hit a pot hole in cumbernauld at condorrat and the pot hole was a meter by half a meter and 7 inchs deep ,
i hit it at 4 am where there was no lights on my way to work obviously i never made it to work that day , so i lost a days wage and also a set of alloys as 2 wheels hit it i took pictures and went on the phone calm and was then told it my responsibilty to fix the alloys and that its not there fault the roads are like this i mean the pot hole or bomb hole as i shouted at the stupid girl on the phone is where they keep patching up every year , must admit i started to swear down the phone when she told me its not the goverments or councils fault and i should watch where im driving as well as its me that has to pay to fix my own wheels , when i had 3 cars paying bloody 240 , on each car for tax ,
i then after i came off the phone to the lady went to see if it was still there 3 hours later and low and be hold they had filled the bloody thing and i had no pay out for the wheels ,