A lot of councils hire contractors to do these jobs, these companies charge the council a premium for doing the work but they only use a fraction of that to actually fix the holes, thus making sure they get maximum profit, all to our expense cause its up to us to fix the expensive damage to our cars.
The best one i have seen so far is GCC, Renfield st/ Union st in the city centre is one big bloody bus lane, road is all chewed up all down the left hand side due the buses and bus stops, fri 4:30pm peak time and there is a GCC tarmac blower blowing stones and a tiny amount of tar into the holes whilst the buses are draggin it straight back out, amazing, totaly amazing, who the hell in the council thinks that this is gonna work, i ended up tipping a ton pallet of wine out side a restaraunt cause of the massive hole i had to park the truck in.