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About dazmanta

  1. Hiya All...I have a 93 WRX import and the turbo has gone, its a TD05H, Cant find one, if anyone know of the best place to get one help is really needed, thnx
  2. Thnx for posting that I have now being able tp programme it, so cheers for that
  3. Hiya, I have a MK1 WRX, its fitted with a Avital MAXX 1 alarm, I've just ordered a new transmitter but the company are trying to charge me £150 to come out and programme it to my car, I have the 4 digit pin code but no instructions anybody help please ?
  4. Hiya and thnx mate, I Running it on v-power which after checkinhmg is 99 Ron, so I think I need to go to Scooby phenix and get it checked thnx
  5. Thnx Johnny, Like I said I've not had it for long so I will get it looked, I'm in Cumbria and i've been told that Scooby Technix in Fleetwood is the best place to take it, Any Ideas on thats ? and thanks again.
  6. How do I go about removing the limiter ?
  7. Hiya Al, yeah it is an Import, (and it was on a Private road I think i'm going to have to find out if it has been removed, thnx
  8. Hiya, Im new to this and have only owned myWRX for about 11 weeks, Took it for a blast on Tuesday and when I hit 100mph it seemed as though the engine was missing, power, no power.. kept my foot down and it would'nt go past 120, I'm not a boy racer by the way lol, Turbo kicks in at about 4,000revs and boosts at 1.5 psi, dont know if this set up right, it's a 93 and i've been told that it could be the ECU and that year cant be remapped, any held i would be greatfull, thnx
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