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smiffy852 last won the day on May 21 2013

smiffy852 had the most liked content!


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About smiffy852

  1. It's a great meet but I can't make this one, maybe September.
  2. A great evening once again. Beautiful weather bought out a lot of nice machinery! Good to meet another member, salsa-king, very nice hatch! Hope next month has the same great weather.
  3. Nice one, cheers. If the weather is good I think il pop down for that. Anyone else up for it?
  4. Anyone know when this starts? If it hasn't already? Usually a good meet. Cheap and really good mix of cars and bikes.
  5. I will be plus 1.
  6. If we have a list, stick me down. Might need to find somewhere to stay for the Friday night.
  7. Had a great time last year so I hope to make this year as well. Accidentally deleted all of our photos last year so hope the sun is out again!
  8. Just got back and today was great. A massive turn out with all sorts of cars! Great weather all day! And best of all Connor had a big smile on his face all day! I don't know if any of the organisers will see this but well done to you all, a really good day! I think everyone enjoyed it, especially Connor!
  9. Nice one. Cya at 10.30 Saturday then.
  10. Yea sounds good to me, is that the 'welcome break' services?
  11. I can join you on the m1 around Leicester if you want to?
  12. Is it just three of us going from SIDC?
  13. Are we going to meet up somewhere first then go in together? Or just turn up as normal?
  14. Great thanks for that. Do you need to know about passengers or just cars?
  15. I'm up for this! Do we need to put our names down anywhere?
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