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Everything posted by Jambo

  1. I'll need to measure the downpipe and get back to u, was really wanting to sell both of them together. As far as I know it fits all classic scoobys as their isn't any difference in the exhaust between any of them. Im in Glasgow but could meet up if any of u were interested
  2. Hi, got a Magnex downpipe and uppipe for a Scooby Classic. Both parts are brand new and have never been fitted, looking for £250 for both.............Jambo
  3. Whoops try again www.hondatech.co.uk and www.jdmy0.com . Both Scottish based websites, was a member of hondatech with my previous car. Really good bunch of guys
  4. here's a couple Text and Text
  5. sent u a email mate, I'll definately take that tailgate off u
  6. yeah im definately interested in the tailgate, as long as their isn't any rust or dents i'll take it off ur hands. Colour isn't too much of a problem. I take it the turbo spoilers will bolt staight onto it? Need to replace mine coz its going rusty just behind where the mid mounted spoiler sits Any chance of any pics?
  7. What colours the tailgate? any rust or dents? would be interested in this
  8. Just wanted to know which tuning companies people rated. Want to do some work on the wagon and increase the performance Want someone I can trust to do a good job, cheers for any replies.....................Jambo
  9. Cheers mate Don't think Im gonna make the Mad March One coz Im gonna be working probably Do u's have regular meets? Gonna be up at crail on the 3rd of April for Banzai if any of u's r going up? Big convoy heading from Drivers in Glasgow @ 7am ! Oh and Im a Chelsea fan ( prepares to be boo'ed of the stage lol ) Used to live in london
  10. Cheers for all the replys guys/girls I stay in Bearsden in Glasgow. My poor old wallet has already taken a battering So far I've ordered Blitz Dump valve, Nur Spec R exhaust, Panel Filter, Turbo timer, Boost guage. Tein springs and front strut brace. Next to go on r 16" Volk ce28n. Hope to see u's at a meet soon ..............Jambo
  11. Hey all, Just bought myself a 99 Impreza Wagon, just started to do a couple of things to it. Just thought I'd introduce myself, my name's James and I stay in Glasgow. Looks a cool site u got here
  12. Interested in the driving light covers, r these genuine Subaru parts? Where abouts u stay mate?
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