Hi everyone, seeing as I don't have my scooby anymore, Im trying to find homes for the last remaining bits. I have for sale :
1 x set of classic (newage STI style) front foglight covers with mesh ( £20) see scoobyworld.co.uk for pics
1 x set of genuine Subaru STI car mats (£10)
1 x Alpine CDA - 9851R Headunit ( £65)
1 x Alpine V-POWER MRP-M350 Intergrated Sub/Amp (£65)
Just looking for good homes for them as I don't have a car at the moment which is why Im selling them so cheap. All parts are virtually brand new having been fitted to the car for 2 months max ( 1 month being in the garage getting the gearbox re built!!) In immaculte condition!!!!
P.S Sorry don't have any pics. Although I could email some to u if interested