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Everything posted by broxi

  1. their is life after all
  2. got up and it was torrential rain, so expected it to be rained off, so did not go.. Looking at some video's it looks like it was nice their too.
  3. Hoping to be their tomorrow.
  4. I now have an Impreza Wagon, as just swapped the Vectra with it. So will now be along in that.
  5. do you have any toolbars installed? I have had this when my kids installed some toolbars.
  6. in the SW you will Not beat Enginetuner.
  7. It is unlikely to be done by then Mate, unless i come into some unexpected £ lol.
  8. Wassup Fellow Scoobie owners
  9. will be along to watch this one, as car not on the road.
  10. Bob was the very first member from SWS, that we ever Met, He was an all round Gentleman. One that everyone liked and Loved. When I last Spoke to Bob, in December he told me he would alway's Class us as a Friend; Well Bob I am very proud to be able to call you a friend. You will Truly Be Missed by everyone. Gone but Never Forgotton. R.I.P Bob
  11. Ty I will let him know. I have also confirmed 1 more car from Barnstaple, Not 2.
  12. Ok, Some of the SWS members will know in the past we have allowed Non Subaru's on stand at Show's. I have an SWS Member wanting to Join us on Stand, however his Current car is an EVO 8. He said he is happy to wear his SWS Clothing etc. Views please. I may also have another 1-2 Cars will know very soon form N. Devon
  13. it's going to be touch and go if we make it now. So may need to get others to take the stuff for us. my youngest sister has been taken to the North Devon Hospice for her last few day's.
  14. Nice one, congradulations to you both.
  15. Had an Awesome day out. Thanks to everyone involved.
  16. If anyone coming tomorrow has a drivers front wing in 64c Green please P.M Me. Thanks Derek
  17. Madscoob can u come pick the T-Shirt up. Kekin came round just now kad kicked **** out of the car, so it's going no-where now.. Really sorry, and i am totally Gutted. Sally's car is nearly on the road, hoping its done before next weekend now.
  18. 01. stum450n 02. jwrxtonkins 03. specT 04. gillette2 (?) 05. Broxi (Meeting at Okehampton) 06. torpedomad1working 07. robh216 08. mattlong 09. warrior08 10. 98 meds wrx 11. Felix79 12. beefoss 13. danny85turbo 14. Ryan84 15. Bailey73 16. M700TEC 17. Scoobybill 18. H 5CBY 19. Bakerzone 20. Dibble 21. H 5CBY (Scooby 2 hubbys) 22. GilesDWRC 23. Smokingkills 24. wasbo 25. ignis999 26. GodsGift (Meeting at Okehampton) 27. MadScoob (Meeting at Okehampton) 28. 29 30. We have has a SWS / SIDC T-Shirt done up for him too.
  19. We have the gazebo, Flag and Banners.. Also some SWS Ballons to and out to kids.
  20. Got another one to add to the list. Do we have a time to meet at Exeter yet? Frank Dawson Ideal, I'm not on sidc yet tis on me list if things todo!!!, wel count me in for sure, do you know the meet times yet?? I take it it would be Exeter services again?? Frank
  21. Ideal Ty Sean. My Uncle has just confirmed he would like to attend as he has just bought another scooby. So new list. 1 j wrx tonkins - PAID (2 broxi x 2 - PAID (3 stum450n maybe (4 ric x 2 - PAID (5 Gods Gift x 2 - PAID (6 madscoob - PAID (7 Kevin (8 (9 (10
  22. Any more News on this one Mel? Not long to go now.
  23. Sorry to see you go Buddy, but you will stil lbe welcome along at our meets .
  24. For Optimax I am sure it's worth Amending. Unfortunately my RA will not be on the road, probably not even this year. I am sure he would have loved it with the Anti-lag on too. We will only be in the Wife's WRX, and My kids will fill the seat's in the car. My knowledge of Newquay though is slim at best, I have been their once when i was 16. ouch that's 20 years ago. I do feel honored that I was offered to take on the role of leading through Newquay.
  25. I will join Convoy at White House Service Station for those who prefer to Run Optimax, good new's is their is another Services just 5 miles down the road from this one on the Same route that is a shell Garage. Sourton Cross Okehampton EX20 4LY
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