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About broxi

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  1. their is life after all
  2. got up and it was torrential rain, so expected it to be rained off, so did not go.. Looking at some video's it looks like it was nice their too.
  3. Hoping to be their tomorrow.
  4. I now have an Impreza Wagon, as just swapped the Vectra with it. So will now be along in that.
  5. do you have any toolbars installed? I have had this when my kids installed some toolbars.
  6. in the SW you will Not beat Enginetuner.
  7. It is unlikely to be done by then Mate, unless i come into some unexpected £ lol.
  8. Wassup Fellow Scoobie owners
  9. will be along to watch this one, as car not on the road.
  10. Bob was the very first member from SWS, that we ever Met, He was an all round Gentleman. One that everyone liked and Loved. When I last Spoke to Bob, in December he told me he would alway's Class us as a Friend; Well Bob I am very proud to be able to call you a friend. You will Truly Be Missed by everyone. Gone but Never Forgotton. R.I.P Bob
  11. Ty I will let him know. I have also confirmed 1 more car from Barnstaple, Not 2.
  12. Ok, Some of the SWS members will know in the past we have allowed Non Subaru's on stand at Show's. I have an SWS Member wanting to Join us on Stand, however his Current car is an EVO 8. He said he is happy to wear his SWS Clothing etc. Views please. I may also have another 1-2 Cars will know very soon form N. Devon
  13. it's going to be touch and go if we make it now. So may need to get others to take the stuff for us. my youngest sister has been taken to the North Devon Hospice for her last few day's.
  14. Nice one, congradulations to you both.
  15. Had an Awesome day out. Thanks to everyone involved.
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