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About stefjw

  1. The place in City Quay is the only one in dundee that can do wheel alignment and geometry Thats were I get mine done
  2. Not sure how the shoot out went but I nackered my engine on the oval
  3. I'll be there, dont know if I''ll be on the drag though, the oval is far too much fun Will he have the car that I've been reading about on his site ? I'd love to see it !
  4. pics please
  5. I dont get that reply, whats funny ? He had already run a 10.9 earlier and the corsa had run an 11 or slightly quicker (I think) So for the final run he was up against the corsa, going by the earlier runs you would have thought it might be a close final, but it wasnt, he blew it away I know a 10.9 is super fast I ran a 13.2@ 103mph so I realise the speed.
  6. I was there, didnt realise there was SIDC members going Congrats on winning mate, you blew that corsa away on the last run
  7. Ye its got equal headers, full de-cat, panel filter and the boost was on 1.2 bar plus I added a little octane booster. I'll try and get that video if youd like to see it, what are you running ?
  8. Hi Grant, I think I may have raced you down the strip, I was in a V3 type R, I may have asked you to move to the left lane so I could take a video ?
  9. were you at crail yesterday mate ?
  10. Is that a question to me ? and do you mean Tesco carpark ? If so then yes, my mrs had it while hers is in the garage, if not ignore everything I've just said
  11. It might have been, I was there twice last week, the first time there was 2 other scoobs there so I purposely parked next to them
  12. Thanks Does anyone have any experience dealing with them ?
  13. Hi ! Just joined this site today after buying myself a 1997 V3 Type R I would like to get it checked over, can anyone help me out with a specialist close to Dundee ? Thanks
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