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About garydevine

  1. my mate had a catalayuna running on 10% meth etc
  2. looks nice
  3. i heard not too also but its your car
  4. that looks so clean!!!
  5. thanks for the comments people just got a few things left to do to it,
  6. lol sorry anew it began with a p but a didnt wanna say any names incase itwas wrong. sorry a didnt make it today. still at work. even now as we speak!
  7. yeh mate everything on the cars pritty much the way u left it. ave been struggling to find your old posts on the progress of the build uve got far too many posts lol just fitted a fmic. and also fitted an apexi powerfc oil change,fuel filter and maf all changed on saturday.
  8. hi there. sorry totally forgot his name lol. Told him a would introduce myself as ive been signed up but not yet introduced myself. I drive and rb5 currently the mods are apexi power fc. apexi induction kit. autobhan front mount intercooler. forged pistons,rods, uprated shells and oil pump. gettin mapped on the 17th once ave fitted my td05. heres some photos. the bumper dosnt look like that anymore cause its filled in with a front mount. emm not much else to say thanks for reading.
  9. what mileage roughly did you conduct that rebuild. im just writing a list of everything its got done to it mate so i dont forget
  10. thats a good thing then dont suppose you have any receipts for it or was that long ago now? the mafs just on its away out the now. getting a new maf this weekend. Gary.
  11. also was it remapped? Gary
  12. was it the original block in the scoob? if so then if the numbers match up then its most likely the same engine?? does sound a bit rattly a dunno if am just paranoid cause a blew my old scooby up. but the noise goes away when its warmed up. i took it to my mate and he said some subarus just sound like that but it is a little rattly. a was always scared of that tapping noise that came from it but ave done nearly 3k in the thing and its not missed a beat still has the exhaust and springs etc. wheels are going for a refurb as the back ones corroded. other than that the cars running well
  13. hi mate. sorry not been on in a while. that would be good to find out its got forged pistons etc! as for the spec. not sure. a thought it was standard but reading up on previous owners it may have had some work done like you said. Gary
  14. the cars changed its just a subaru rb5. heres the add for one of the former owners. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtop...p;mode=threaded many thanks.
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