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About XBX

  1. I know what your saying mate, mine go's like a jet since he had is hands on it...
  2. I think its time for a 1/4 mile show down @ SANTA POD Im up for burning some rubber
  3. XBX

    Jolly Green

  4. Just want to say a big thanks to jolly for sorting out my map, as it turns out, the last time it was mapped at ENGINE ADVANTAGES they didnt actually map it. But not only did they not map my car, after they re'built my top end i drove down the road an my engine nearly fell out!!! as some idiot forgot to tighten up my sub frame. If any of u were thinking of taking your car there DONT!!!!! Im now seeking legal advice to get my money back from the f£*king cowboys. Oh yeah an thanks daz for getting us lost even though u had satnav in your hand
  5. After the longest 3 months of my life, my car is now home! All the time and £££ spent on it its now 431bhp Cant wait for Santa Pod next so I can spank some Evo's!!!
  6. Black hammer, well im half way there
  7. IV got a golf gti turbo for sale,,scooby killer 330bhp. And i can even fill it up with diesel if u want, it might not run to well after...
  9. Thanks mate, i'll get it an pm you...
  10. He only has 4.000 squid son..
  11. One of my mates wants to get a scooby, does anyone know of a nice one going? He has got 4,000 . It will be his first one. Thanks Andy
  12. The scoob looks good mate. But not sure about it being the fastest clour.
  13. I will be there if i have my car back I love a good thrashing up the quarter mile.....
  14. Thats the one mate.
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