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Posts posted by jef

  1. steve mapped it today,

    all just about spot on, but small issue with a boost spike to near 2 bar at one point. i think and again please dont quote itll be around 1.7 bar peaking? (for the guys in the know what boost level would you expect from my build) its just out of interest and personal referance. the spike i think is suspected to be a mechanical issue with bleed valve or something??? but please dont quote that because i cant actually remember what they said but a mecahnical issue somehwere, and not expecting to cause any problems and expected quick/ easy fix.

    so plans are, sort issue, and pick up car in 2 weeks, nip over to steve, final run/map check on his rollers, possible power run and off up the road, hehe.

    so again cannot fooking wait now, like being a bloody kid at xmas lol, but simon at api says its looking mint and sounds absolultey fantastic, esp when hits boost and starts churning out the power climbing through the revs :)

    its the latest simtek ecu with the vast array of functions available, alot of which are way over my head, and i think there are a few that will not be utilised on mine. again ive limited knowledge/understanding on ecus, but of top of head the data logging function is not used as i have no way of reding any held data, i think its more for the well versed guys or possibly for mappers, of which im neither. possibly a whole host of functions aswell that it doesnt require on my car.

    im sorry i dont have exact data for the guys who are interested in the new simtek, or want some more detailed information - you can ask me and ill try find out but its unlikely ill be able any but the most basic questions - sorry

    anyway any comments or thoughts are welcomed, apart from the previously covered ones lol.

    and as i said from start ill post up more shots when its home and hopefully the dyno graph, if its possible to get a power run at TEG.

    thanks to all who took an interest and time to comment

    if ever im forced to part with the car (not thats its ever ever entered my mind) this thread will be a great referance


  2. well small upadte, cars been run in on rollers,

    mapping on the new version simtek started and fine for run in, then up to 1 bar boost, then starting to det on no2 cylinder,

    mapping halted

    plugs out, all lightly fouled but number 2, injectors out and away for testing turns out 1 was faulty.

    new set, flow and pressure tested, all good and back in.

    tomorow back on rollers to see if almost full job can be done - so almost almost there!!

    arranged collection date for 16th so just hope an hope all good for then, its just been too long now lol

    but prefer any issues happend down there than here, hundreds miles away lol

  3. Jef, Shell stations are not dissapearing they are the only Oil company in the UK on a major spend initiative the now.

    They have just bought over Total in the UK buying 1000 sites, sold off 500 of them to private dealers and are refurbishing the rest and rebranding them as Shell sites to the new format.

    They are also NOT doing away with V-power, they might be coming in with a change option on Fuel save as it didnt say what it did on the tin so to speak ;-)

    As for Knockers i havnt a clue.


    good news there then

    thanks. a few previous shell places ahve been closed round my way, wasnt sure if sold on or refurbs.

    and another one in elderslie told me shell sold the station to ?? someone else. just a bit worried about supplying the old girl with decent go go juice lol

  4. 2 questions if any can help

    are you finding shell stations disappearing, harder to get decent 99ron feul

    does anyone beleive its on its way out?

    second knckhill driving instructors - anyone know any persoanally, ive done some driving under tution there before in the cupra r thing

    i loved the guys attitude, advice and the overall experience a lot and would desperatley like to get the same instructor as last time, i dont know his name though, was a while ago, but certainly fairly young guy, anyone any help

    thanks either way


  5. Looking stunning mate u must be dying to get out in it once salt away all the best hope it runs the way you want

    thanks mate :)

    tbh i dont about your way, but so far, very little salt been put down here, which is good, hope to get some nice, early morning, cold air temp drives

    yes billet 35r has been stuck with.

    so see how she goes when the time comes, hopefully soon lol

    if nothing else im positive ill have a big grin on my face :)

  6. thanks,

    sleeper is the plan lol

    yeah cant wait,

    hope to get to some events this year, to try my hand.

    1/4mile days be my main focus initially,plus the obligatory rr days now and then.

    i try my best not to miss the events posting this time lol

  7. just to let people know, still underway.

    just about all completed, and waiting on the new simtek from steve, for which ill be chasing him lol.

    hope to get it in, get a base/running in map set up at teg, then get up here run in and get andy to do the final job.

    pics of the almost finished article will hopefully follow shortly

    hope to update sooon, and show the final result. with RR results being posted as and when the time comes.

    i wont let this thread die until ive managed to post all relevant results


  8. honestly i really do appreciate and enjoy the comments ect be they negative or posiitve.

    and i can see it could be quite frustrating for some people when ther giving geniune advice from experience ect, and it looks like im dismissing - im relly not.

    i understand how engines work, ive studied a lot in the past 10 years - but im never ready to dismiss /or accept until ive tried persoanlly.

    its not 2 fingers up to people commenting atall - and i really hope people do continue to chip in - ive learned from some guys here. its just im perfectly happy to accpet my build as it comes and assess.

    the build is not constrained by time/rules and to an extent money. although its not a bottomless pit lol.

    the car will never recoupe the money ive put in, ive never expected it to. and its not an investment, just a hobby.

    for above asking why dont build myself, i dont have the time/space/tools or knowlege to do anything like this on my driveway. and in the fortunate position to be able to pay someone to do it. plus as soon as i changed career i sold all my snap on tools and vowed id never work on another car as long as i lived lol

    apprentiships werent that enjoyable in my day haha

    so anyone feel free to chip in, agree/disagree, fcking laugh if you want lol, i enjoy the feedback and comments


  9. just to add, colin your totally right in that i actually enjoy the learning as i go, plus i absolutley belive in trying everything yourself before making up my mind, im like that with most things in life, barr herion ect lol.

    the peronal experience is half the fun, and the car is ultimatley a toy, its there to be played with, fettled as you go - again adding to overall enjoyment of the experience

    lol probably a lot wont understand that and be laughing at it/me, but thats just me haha

  10. please no-one take this offensivley, my psts are never ment in that way,

    i agree its things you dont anticipate that cause set backs - or just things (like me) that i dont know or havent experienced and others have.

    i hear you all and i do apprciate your feedback - im not an idiot, i served my time as a mechanic and workd in the trade for 9 years before going to college to do an honours degree in automotive mechanical engineering - which btw i dropped out after a year lol.

    but yes i am very much a try it first an see for myself type of person. as youve all probbly guessed.

    and ive absolutley no problem coming back and agreeing with everyone once its back, and ive swapped the turbo to a 30r or changed pipework ect. but that will only be done after ive experienced the car. and if im not happy.

    i dont know if thats the final compressor housing position, and i dont know if there are any other resons why pipe work will end up the way it does, ive just paid someone to build me a set up. i do know that the feul rail feed means theres even less space for i/c pipework under the inlet

    ive seen the pics posted above of the more direct i/c feeds - however i do also trust my builder to give me what i asked of him. ill happily accept what he does and go from there. i really dont thnk ill be disappointed.

    the biggest problem for me now is mapping it, as it will be done on the road, is this even going to be possible in the proabale weather conditions ahead?

    thanks again for the input people i do honstly appreciate it, even if you think i dont lol

  11. cheers arch

    yeah understand the turbo to i/c pipework, a few reasons its like that

    first my i/c inlets and outlets are at bottom of i/c as opossed to top on some set ups

    second, because i asked for that coil pack, clearnace between coil pack and bonnet was an issue, had to get thinner thermal spacers, and so space under inlet was reduced, its now too small to fit pipework - plus the obv power steering pump.

    not 100% sure thats the final outlet position of the turbo pipework.

    either way itll stay as it is until its back and run in and set up.

    if theres any obvious issue i may consider changing at later date.

    but for the time being itll stay as is.

    im happy with things, and confident itll do what i want it to.

    cheers for comments :headbang:

  12. also big thnks to compbrake supplying me with 2 brand new calipers, even though i wasnt origional purchaser and no receipt. they arranged colletion and had 2 new calipers back in 2 days - great service.

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