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About B8WSR

  1. i'm just repeating what the guy said,which in my opinion was scare tactics so that you buy from the dealer. i also said to him that "so if i was buying a car from a private seller and it had full subaru service history from ian grieves garage that it would still need 2 thousand spent on it!!!!! and he could'nt answer!! FACT!!! the car that i did buy was serviced by a main dealer down south more times than the intervals and mileage advised! shocks were done under warranty,as for you saying that if i took my car in to a workshop that they would find work to do on it.....I DONT THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!!! You could take a brand new car into any garage and they would find work to do on it fact!!!!! The reason i am confident in saying this,is that i was a mechanic in a prestige franchise for many years!!!!FACT!!!
  2. Hi there, Took me well over a year to get my sti ppp, and did i go and see a few bangers in that time I bought private and had to go down south to get it As long as the car has full history with invoices to prove,few owners as possible and the bodywork looks straight, and the colour looks the same all the way round, you cant go wrong Had mine for nearly a year now with no problems,apart from being a greedy bam But i knew that anyway having had a classic before When i was searching for a sti, i went up to ian grieves in falkirk ,and the salesman told me that if i bought an sti private "i would have to spend 2 grand on it....FACT" Just like to say that he was talking alot of BULL.......FACT!!!!! Hope this helps and you get your car soon
  3. a blobeye sti , havent been out in it for a while now because of all that salt on the roads .........would post some pictures, but not sure how to do it?? you in the same area??
  4. Alexandria.
  5. Thanks for you're help. MEERCAT it is then!!!!
  6. Hi Folks, Just would like to know if anyone has had an exhaust done at meercat in kilbirnie? do they have a good rep? and are the prices reasnoble? And same for cc in hillington?........cheers!!!
  7. Hi ,Just wanting to know if anyone out there is running a turbosmart duel bov on a blobeye, running it at 50/50?..............any good???? cheers!
  8. cheers!!! how much are you looking for the backbox??
  9. Was thinking of upgrading the exhaust on my 54 sti ppp. also panel filter......and still in two minds about a atmospheric dumpvalve???? dv12??? any suggetions would be app.....
  10. is the harvester the boozer just off the motorway slip road heading towards b@q? the junction just after the st james roundabout?
  11. balloch, near dumbarton....when is the next meet??
  12. Hi Folks, Just thought i would say hello since i'm new!!!!! Took me well over a year but managed to get myself a nice blobeye sti ppp cheers!!!!
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