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Everything posted by 733tcaptsteady

  1. Been a couple of times myself. All the best mate.
  2. mmmm mine to too has started doing that. Therefore I have decided to go for a Blistein setup from Litchfields. Will post with some feedback. jase
  3. Hey chaps looks like there is a differemce between the list in the 'track days and events' section and this Or is this supposed to be the case lol Jase
  4. Well I used SW for my exhaiust and Revolution in Gateshead for everything else. Induction kit, plugs, arb's, anti lift kit. fuel pump etc. No issues with either.
  5. As all said, very good. I really do like this event, weather always seems to be fantastic. Jase
  6. I will be coming from Worcester with a four year old son in tow; so probably best I meet you on the stand. Jase
  7. I'd like to put my car on the stand. just to confirm; turn up before 8:30 and make way to stand, no stand pass needed. Have just update my membership but its not showing yet Cheers Jase
  8. Any idea of venu ed?
  9. greate pics, great day
  10. Another good day, great weather, nice cars and not too busy. Cannot understand why a lot more dont go this
  11. tickets arrived yesterday Ta
  12. SOUTH WEST REGIONS 1. Edmondo and s.p - Payment received - Confirmed 2. Scoobtastic 3. Scooby Ger 4. Stinger 5. Bailey 6. Pezza 7. Monki - Poss 8. Robocop 9. Steady and wife + child SOUTH WEST WALES 1. VC 2. Blue Dragoon 3. Richy B - Payment Received - Confirmed 4. Ryan 5. Matscooby 6. Evil.soup 7. KJD MK1 - Payment Received - Confirmed 8. mp24 9. Trap2Terrorist 10.Sti Glenn - Payment Received - Confirmed
  13. SP could you send me your address please. I did have a form from the last action day but have lost it. So once I get it i can get a cheque out as soon as. Cheers Jase
  14. Yeh Didnt really get chance last Saturday, was too busy looking after the nipper lol
  15. Me, the mrs and son will be there J
  16. Well the missus has decided not too come along to this. So to that end anyone want a ticket FOC; shame to see go to waste. Just reply here to say you want it and pm me your address and I'll send it out. Cheers J
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