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About lumsden26

  1. Ok thanks guys will try Keith michaels tomorrow and see how it goes
  2. anyone reccomend cheap insureance for a wrx sti type r ? I'm 32 and the cheapest so far is £630 but have to pay all at once . thanks
  3. i did the same full set of ebc disks and mintex 1155 pads and a brake fluid change and they where spot on unless your running alot of extra power ofcourse then bigger is better.also braided hoses make a difference
  4. yeah he contacted my mate as he's just put his up for sale. looks a good enough car and he'll know his stuff.
  5. My link does anyone know this car? my mates looking to swap his dc5 integra http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/1782243.htm and i said i'd check it out for him what do you think is it worth a swap?? cheers mark
  6. its not advertised well but if i where you i'd ask to see it because the guy who own's it might be fine also if you get it cheap enough with that kind of milage its worth travelling for.Fair enough the guy selling it comes across aggressive might work in your favour by putting people off.
  7. will wheels from a 2.5l turbo wrx fit a 1995 wrx 2.0l turbo?? Cheers Mark
  8. clean looking car, i had a mk4 cabriolet and put a turbo engine in it and it was good fun but wouldn't be anything like the real deal.
  9. wondering whats the best car you've ever had for what ever reason does't have to be an Impreza but mine is although my Mk1 mr2 was fun..
  10. Hi folks coming home the other day my clutch pedal started sticking on the floor, i got the car home and when i check'd the fluid it was pretty much empty so i topped up but the pedal still sticks. After pumping the pedal a few times it felt a bit better but still wasn't the same, so i tried to bleed it and as soon as i pushed the pedal it dropped to the floor and still sticks so how do i bleed it correctly??? Cheers Mark
  11. keep it til after xmas/spring see how you feel once the dissapointment of it breaking down has gone. If you break it then its a better time for selling whole or as parts. Might also give you time to fix her then decide to keep it??
  12. I'd stick with a classic mate you'd miss the noise!! What about selling yours and going for a mint classic like this one?? http://www.scottishelises.com/phpbb/viewto...f=7&t=23812 Mark
  13. plugged in the two connectors and code came back as 23 so new maf sensor it is! cheers for all your help mark
  14. what is obd2?? a mate is coming to look at it tonight but unplugged the maf and made no difference. cheers Mark
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