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south west motorsport

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Everything posted by south west motorsport

  1. Just busy working, and not realising how fast time was flying by lol
  2. Still got the car, and still haven't added spacers lol I don't know why the images arnt showing on here. May have to upload some new ones
  3. Just re-visited this forum for the first time since I wrote this thread. I still have the car but it looks quite different now
  4. Thanks for your input into this. Im going to have a look to see if i can find one of these valves. I'll post again to let other members know how it went.
  5. Thats ok, thanks for replying anyway, once i have found a solution i'll repost here, unless anyone else can help out in the meantime.
  6. Is there any other type of non return valve i could try, maybe the ones that i have already purchased arent man enough for the job.
  7. Hi, i have tried all three devices both directions just to be sure, it has arrows marked in the water flow direction, but i tried it back to front just out of curiosity, the other device i used is a non return valve for windscreen washer lines to prevent the water from draining back to the tank, it just has a small ball bearing type thing inside a case which gets forced out the way when water comes through, but im guessing that the sifening effect im having is creating too much pressure for the valve to shut again.
  8. Hello, i have fitted a water spray to my front mount intercooler on my classic, its all come out of a newer shape spec c sti, which included, bottle, pipes and switches then only thing it didnt have was the nozzles, any way my problem is the water keeps sifening from the bottle after use, i have used three different types of devices in the water line, non return valves and an anti sifen device etc etc, but non of which has worked, i am aware that as standard these would have been fitted to the top mount but was there any extra device fitted somewhere to prevent the sifening, any help would be appreciated. The bottle is in the boot, so the nozzels are lower, if this makes any difference. Thanks
  9. To see the full version see http://www.bodykitsonline.co.uk/blog/?p=339#more-339 For those of you like me who have a carbon fibre bonnet that has the dreaded sun bleached faded look then this blog post is for you to read. Ive tried a whole host of things to polish out the faded appearence but 95% of the time it just looked rubbish. This is how my bonnet looked at 15.00 today As you can see the bonnet is very dull and almost white in places, not the best look for a very expensive item on show cars. What i used was a cutting compound called G3 you can buy it from all car accessory shops or from us @ south west motorsport for about £13 a tube, it is expensive but i think its the best money can buy. You will also need an electric polisher usually called a buffer or a mop, not one of the big disc things from Argos a proper heavy duty one with a 5″ pad on it, apply a mist of water over a small area of the bonnet and rub some compound onto the wet patch and rub it around a bit either with a cloth or preferably the mop head, it is advised to wear old clothes or overalls for this job as it is messy, using the mop firmly pressing doen on the bonnet start to polish, be very careful not to keep the mop in one position too long as it will run the risk or burning through the laquer. Once this patch has been done, follow this step until the whole bonnet is complete, if like mine it may need more than one attempt. After you are happy with the results use a silicone free polish, i found Meguiars step 2 to be the best, again you can buy this from most car shops or from us. Below you can see the bonnet at 15.30, it was hard work but it looks 10 times better now, still a bit faded in places but its a good start. One thing to add, use a hose pipe and sponge to wash the car after to clean off all the polish splatter.
  10. Got my car back yesterday and it made just shy of 300bhp, martyn tuned upto a safe level without putting too much strain on things, he'd recommended i go for bigger injectors and a TD05 20g turbo, basically the things that were mentioned earlier in this topic. Oh yeah one other thing, i absolutly love my anti lag and launch control haha.
  11. I have all the necessary mods complete now, just waiting for my re-map on Tuesday with a simtek ecu, im really looking forward to it, I'll re-post next week with the bhp increase.
  12. Ih ave managed to get my fmic fitted, now all i need is some 440cc injectors, does anyone know of any for sale.
  13. Thanks for your input guys, i forgot to mention that i already have an adjustable regulator fitted, im looking now at injectors on ebay, theres some yellow 440cc ones on there from a version 5/6 sti, could i run the car as it is if i fitted some 550cc injectors, or would i have to wait and pay the mapper to fit them at the garage. Where is a good place to buy new injectors for my model, also would they fit mine or do i have to have a conversion kit to make them fit. Also is there any instructions on here as to how to fit a front mount intercooler, im sure the pipe work isnt quite right on mine. Thanks
  14. Hello - i have a 1995 wrx import with a TD05 turbo, i have no idea on what the original bhp is, im guessing around the 240bhp mark but i would like to increase this upto around 350bhp, Current mods include, walbro fuel pump, hks ind kit, 3" bore straight through exhaust, no cats, middle silencer removed and blitz nur spec back box, and soon to be fitted a front mount intercooler as soon as i figure out how the pipe work goes lol. At the end of the month im getting a remap done using a simtek ecu, but id like to know what mods could or should be done to enable the biggest increase in power to save additional trips to the mapper. Thanks Ben
  15. Hello, im currently installing a new alarm system to my car and i need to locate the pick up point for the RPM, usually this would be wired onto the minus - side of the coil but i think the scooby is slightly different running coil packs. I have been searching high and low for this information for the last day or so, as a last resort i could maybe hack into the wire behind the dash board that goes to the RPM dial, so a wire colour of that would be useful. In a nut shell - i need to know where there scooby gets its rpm reading from on the engine. Thanks Ben
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