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  1. Richie in my experience dealing with Whiteline is the Roll Centre Kit is much overlooked when lowering a car.. It's not essential by any stretch, it's a complimentary mod when lowering. Most people I find do this when they need a ball joint or track rod end. If you've the budget to do it now then yes by all means. you won't regret fitting the kit.
  2. I would suggest a 24mm Rear (and 22mm front later) adjustable bars from Whiteline. You can fit a 22mm rear but if you ever get the urge to change the front at a later date, which most do your best investing in the 24mm rear and setting it as required. Also worth while investing in the drop links whilst our there. Alloy or Steel! Either are better than the standard plastic items.
  3. Have to agree with Iain on this one As a sceptic on additives, due to working in the Car industry for a long time. I met Mike from Prolong UK a while back and was asked kindly to try some of the AFMT and asociated products (Octane boost and MPG+) Now whilst i've only the Ibiza at the moment. I've tried AFMT in both the engine and gearbox and have to say for the first time this is an additive that works (well first one i've used that does). Iain explained his findings in an earlier post and have to say he was spot on. My SEAT runs far smoother, pulls better and that's without the octane boost. The MPG+ added to the tank and I'm now returning over 40mpg! Before I was lucky to get 35mpg. I only find the shift a lot nicer and easier! before it was like shifting in a truck! Well worth a try in my opinion.
  4. The way I read that ad, is that it only has whiteline drop links?? Could be wrong though? Seems ok I guess, hard to tell unless you see it in the flesh Not the cheapest one around but this one is well worth considering? http://www.scoobyireland.com/forum/showthr...83498#post83498 I've seen this one and it is mint!
  5. Brian @ Orchard Motorsport is well worth trying, See what he's got left?? There very hard now to get a hold of new... What size you looking for and do you want a heavyweight or lightweight?
  6. As suggested above getting a whiteline Rear Roll Bar and Alloy Drop Links is about the best way you can spend £200. When your budget allows Anti Lift Kit will make it superb! (Just remember to have the geometry setup after fitting)
  7. That one is funny! Also worth a laugh is this one
  8. Matt The whiteline bars only come with replacement bushes to fit the standard mounts. The heavy duty mounts are additional. Only difference with the links is one is alloy (lighter and shiny) and steel (heavier and not quite as shiny) both do the same job. Would suggest to change these as well as the standard items on yours are most likely the plastic items.. I would start with a 22mm adjustable rear bar, links and geometry setup first and see how it feels. Gav
  9. 993 RSCS for me No seriously if your thinking about the Boxster than yes they are a 'cheap' Porsche, my only advise is make sure it has the audio upgrade and 'real' leather... Both will make the experience that much better... Oh and don't bother with the 2.5, go for the later 2.7 or an 'S' Boxster's aren't my cup of tea. I've driven loads and just don't like them.. Feel to wooden, and the 2.5 Gutless, yes they handle great and do everything you need them to, I just feel they lack a personality. There probably a perfect car for the 'misses' as they won't bite like a 911! Oh, I worked for Porsche for nearly 10 years, if you need any more info or help let me know. Gav
  10. I would go with the Performance Friction disc and pad option. Floating Front Disc's and fast road track pads.. Not the cheapest sure but work very well with the Brembo's.. There good enough for AndyF's car and a host of other race and rally teams...
  11. Yes the Whiteline items should come with instructions. If yours for some reason don't come with any you can download them from www.whitelineautomotive.co.uk If you get stuck drop me a PM and I'll email the ones you need? Gav
  12. Try Karl @ PowerSupply +441684292555 Usually has these in stock
  13. Also try Karl @ PowerSupply / PowerStation - He doesn't stock SAMCO but should have SFS or Viper Performance hoses in stock.
  14. Bit easier to clean then the ones on my skateboard (Ibiza)
  15. Have to agree with this!?! Not many people would get away with this sort of car, but to be honest Grant it suit's you down to a T! Well done bloke! I like it, it's kinda old skool kitch! Never thought I'd say this, I even think the wheels suit it! Hard as Nails!! I'll have to make a trip up to see you, Imy and the new toy before I jump on the boat to Ireland! Class mate, really do like it!
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