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About andyjudge

  1. Hope they catch the scum who did this to you & give them a punishment that fits the crime. The countries getting worse by the day & can't see anything improving. Glad nobody was in to confront them, at least you're all OK Andy
  2. What's next ? Trouble is the tamper proof plates are all very well but its the poor law abiding motorist gets hit with the bill for replacing them each time a scroat tries nicking them.
  3. Agree totally on the potholes front, Here in West Berks their no longer potholes in a lot of places but craters. Think its all a govt scheme in fact to get us all into 4x4's so that they rip us off even more with the road tax & Fuel duty. Mmm Road tax, wasn't that bought in all those many years ago to help maintain & fund roads maint. & development Ooo sory must be mistaken I've given up reporting potholes as nothing ever gets done
  4. V power or Tescos 99 for me, also gives me an extra 50odd miles to the tank over 97 Octane blends & about 80Miles over 95 octane. 99MY UK Classic
  5. Hopefully the weather will be a bit better this year, god is was cold & wet in 2010. Also I'm hoping the organisers have sorted the landing issue this year as well.
  6. I can give a big to Colin at ignition, he's just sorted me out a new clutch, rear main oil seal & inspection plate, steering rack Gaiters, MOT & 4 wheel alignment for a far better price than anywhere else. Cars now transformed & pulling like a train again. He also spent a goodly time passing on some helpful hints & tips around replacing rocker cover gaskets, which is the next job on my list. Andy
  7. Sorry we've been unable to get there again. Will put the next one on the calendar & try our very hardest to get to it Would be good to catch up with everyone again. Andy & George
  8. Hi Col, Big 'D' has had a number of RR runs at Subaru 5 U so should be able to give the lowdown. Check out the 30 odd page discussion on the 'other' forum about it. Andy
  9. We're going to have to skip this one I'm afraid. Just been told we've got tickets to see the X factor tomorrow night & have to be at Wembley for about 2pm Have fun though Andy
  10. Mmm, Money no object would be to replace the fogs with a huge set of driving lamps (My first Scoob had a set & made driving at night so much better). However I agree the fogs do get limited use for most people, I do use mine when the mist's about (It's been quite misty of late at 4am a couple of times recently). Andy
  11. Our carfs are both up for renewal at the end of the month, currently on Admiral Multicar policy both with Full NCB. Need to do a bit of shopping around though as mine is something like £550 with all mods declared & 20K a yr milage (business use) & the wife's is something like £500 8K mileage (but it is a group 18 car) Think they may be some scope for a saving
  12. Yep my first 2 years of the Lombard RAC involved the fire breathing monsters of the group B era, awsome watching them through the forests in the dead of night, in those day's stage's ran from something like 04:00 to 21:00 each day.
  13. sssshhhhh George will want to be off to Wales as well given half a chance WRC is nothing like it used to be when the Rally GB actually featured the majority of GB. I remember many a year of travelling 1500 odd miles in a week chasing young Mr McRae (RIP) etc.... Andy
  14. George hasn't stopped asking when this is on again so I guess we're going 1. Michael_Jenkins 2. Andyjudge & George 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
  15. Neighbours here were targetted a couple of weeks ago, both car's stolen from driveway after theiving toerags got in & nicked the keys. Stole a bit of cash plasma telly etc... luckily cars were dumped about 3 miles away without any damage. Gem & neighbours son were both convinced that somebody had been in our back gardens a couple of nights before the break-in. We're all now v careful about locking doors even when upstairs during the day. Scumbags
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