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Everything posted by badpenny1

  1. That made my day
  2. Looks like the bloke behind him needs socks to cover up his shaven legs
  3. WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOO????????????????? I must be to bloody old ive never heard of them
  4. Im not saying its new numb nuts im saying Have a look and make your own mind up if you can!!!
  5. I think its a good idea .If god forbid one of my nearest and dearest was in this position id be only to please for someone whoever it maybe to look for ice on there phone and contact me ! And dave what if your walking the street and something happens.? Dont know about you but i dont have reg plates or post codes tattooed on my a***! But who knows that maybe all the rage in milton keynes
  6. Message from the Ambulance Service We all carry our mobile phones with names & numbers stored in its memory. If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people attending us would have our mobile phone but wouldn't know who to call. Yes, there are hundreds of numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case of an emergency? Hence this 'ICE' (In Case of Emergency) Campaign. The concept of 'ICE' is catching on quickly. It is a method of contact during emergency situations. As mobile phones are carried by the majority of the population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact person or persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name 'ICE' ( In Case Of Emergency). The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to the scenes of accidents there were always mobile phones with patients but they didn't know which number to call. He therefore thought that it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognised name for this purpose. In an emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and hospital staff would be able to quickly contact the right person by simply dialing the number you have stored as 'ICE'. Please forward this. It won't take too many 'forwards' before everybody will know about this. It really could save your life, or put a loved one's mind at rest. For more than one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3 etc PLEASE PASS THIS AROUND AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE AS THIS CAN HELP IN AN EMERGENCY
  7. If only more people were as careing as you pele Well done
  8. Yup sounds about right ya numpty
  9. Go on then are you coming out of the closit or something ??
  10. SORRRRRRRRY But it had to be done
  11. Speed Cameras Thought you might be interested to know that, following the UK Government's freedom of information act, you can now get access to ALL speed camera offences registered in the last 12 months. Did you know that every time your car goes past a speed camera, even 1 mph over the set limit, it is registered onto a database? You only get a ticket if you are way over the limit or (this is the bit I didn't know), if you receive over 10 near misses, you will be classed as a serial offender and get a ticket the next time you go just over the limit. This is why you hear of people being done at 34 mph in a 30 mph limit area, whilst others doing 39 do not. You can check what has been registered against your vehicle at the following web address: http://www.i-database.co.uk You will be asked for a password but just click on the need a Password link and you will be given one for future use. Or just enter your car registration. If there is any data on your vehicle, click on the camera window to see a copy of the photograph. Hope this is useful. http://www.i-database.co.uk
  12. Bas check for yellow paint !!!!! Sorry shiralee only joking Hope both cars are sorted asap
  13. Hope ur ok ! Sod the car its only metal and can be repaired ! First on the upgrade list is better brakes then? Ps just looked on ebay and most bits to repair are on there . Good luck
  14. hope your having a good day matey
  15. lol
  16. answer to your question is ................................................................................ .................................... .................................. ................................. ................................ who wouldnt
  17. Thanks matey
  18. I dont think it was him in canterbury due to no front bumper on it at mo . The only things that might be unusal about the bumper was that the side wings were for a sti and i had to cut the holes in the bumper for them to fit . And the crome grille ive never seen another like it .I know that dont help you but if i see it again i wont mistake it .
  19. Hello all Mickyw here Most of you knew my car and how i cared for it . Well the fella i sold it to lives in Herne Bay not far from me . He called round to see me today with the news that he parked the car by Herne Bay sea front last week and some scum bag has ripped the front bumper off during the night damaging the wings etc .and nicked the complete front bumper ,fog lamps, crome front grille and number plate . Now as you know my car was a wrx but i added the sti front bits to the bumper ie front side wings and lower front crome grille So no 1 If anyone knows anything or gets offered these bits please let me know no 2. If anyone can help this fella out with a front bumper again please let me know . no 3. Be aware these scum bags are about and will take anything even if it is attached to your car ! Here is a photo of the front of the car as it was . Thanks everyone take care Mickyw PS i think he took the splitter valence off before the bumper was stolen .. If anyone wants to contact me please pm me and i will pm you my phone number Thanks again.
  20. Not a silver wagon by any chance is it ?
  21. I miss my scoob and most of you lot ! But what i dont miss is the "SQUABBLES" (as Shiralee puts it ) Just chill its supposed to be fun ! Lifes to short From Mickyw
  22. Practice makes perfect trev ! It looks the muts mate .
  23. I wasnt talking about the car
  24. I wanna see the pics of that t**t when they stick up your rear end
  25. No prob matey ............Anyone else want them its a shame to dump them!!!
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