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About chickenstevens

  1. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=117882
  2. sorry but we are gonna have to skip this one as we are going to a wedding on sat and will have bad hangovers !!!!! Its a hard life !!! See you at the next one !!
  3. sorry to hear that mate
  4. My blooming clutch decided to stop working today Any ideas as to what i should put back in ? should i go for a uprated flywheel at the same time ? An recomendations on garages to fit it? Gonna be another expensive month !!!
  5. good luck mate
  6. What a superb day, i somehow managed to get sunburn on my forehead!!!??? Thanks for a great day Craig Here's a few pic's
  7. Oh yes, who is meeting in Bicester ?
  8. Looking sweet, even in the rain !!
  9. Cheers, I love a compliment !
  10. I hate it when that happens !
  11. Used lots of elbo grease today, with a bad hangover !!! New additions - Haywood & Scott back box & cyrstal clear pack !!
  12. O.k mate, but if you want me to have a look i am around on saturday Cheers Adam
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