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Everything posted by yogi-

  1. yogi-


  2. Sorry to hear about ya pride and joy Gary, what car did they give you??
  3. Hi and welcome to the mad house
  4. 1. Granby 2. scoobytibs + mrs tibs 3. Prodrive Tony + TopBond 4. Scooby Hoo? & Jazz Jill. 5. Dunks & Mrs. 6. col_2 7. mr and mrs me and her 8. 9. 10.
  5. Hi dudes and dudettes, how was the meet on Friday, was there fun and laughter with lots of banter and bench racing going on? Drinks flowing and stories being told. I hope so because life is too short to be going around with long faces looking like miserable old nobs Sorry I diddn't turn up as was working till late and was fooked, I canny make the Tunnel run either as is my Mum's birthday, but hope to show ma ugly mug soon It is very quiet at KS whats going on, is there a rift still going on? anyway, hope everyone is well and still kicking and dont work too hard see ya soon
  6. Hi people Saturday night is posers cruise to Southend. I haven't been out in ages and fancy a blast anyone else up for it? 1. Dunks 2. Granby 3. scoobytibs 4. maybe
  7. Who's meetin at Nottcutts and who's meetin elsewhere
  8. Ian the best place to get nuts and bolts is in Gravesend, at the end of the high st same side of road as the garage, it's in a little parade of shops on a mini roundabout
  9. yogi-


    Whats that burning
  10. You little rascal Lady Boy, our secret is out now, so I think you should buy it for us
  11. The tip it is then
  12. The nobs want to come along
  13. Lets go to a Lap Dancing club instead or go to Amsterdam and have a laugh instead
  14. Be quiet Lady Boy, I'll put you out of ya misery No not THE Look
  15. You mean you are too tired, at your age my life
  16. I'll go but wont drive, so if there is a kind person willing to put up with me
  17. I'll go then
  18. Still grinning driving past Mcdonalds Bromley common at 8.30pm
  19. I told you to pick up those 10 extra illegal's but no
  20. Be quiet moonie man
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