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Everything posted by yogi-

  1. Trouble is it's non turbo - it's not as fast as my other scooby!!
  2. Lets travel up as KENT SCOOBIES
  3. Watcha Shiralee, hows school lol, what are the teachers like, have you been on detention yet or have you been a good girl []
  4. Has anyone heard of that stuff that you can "spray" on to your number plate that dazzles the camera!!!!
  5. Well the majority of the players have been seconded from Europe - trying to be politically correct - not working really... Skippyxx
  6. That one is easy 1. No short tight fairy shorts 2. No touching the other players Bum 3. No cuddling the other players on the field 4. No ariel displays 5. Kick the ball dont hold it and run 6. NO DIVING - we leave this for the Italians in the northern hemisphere - (Im not bitter at all about losing to the italians the best divers, i mean team won!!!) Skippy xx[]
  7. excellent thanks for this Dal. Like this then
  8. How do i have it so the whole picture shows in the post.
  9. Dal this is before repair http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q68/yogi-/DSC00219.jpg
  10. It's the only time of the year you get visitors so stop moaning[] PMSL []
  11. Is it, yeah i know who you mean, i think Prodrive Tony knows him.
  12. Spotted a nice dark blue classic in Barnehurst tonight at about 6.30 traveling at Warp factor 6/7.maybe Sounded real nice as well
  13. M8 that looks like Trisha Goddard []
  14. 1. Granby (as long as i can get the day off) 2. mickyw 3. T123VOR 4. turismo (TBC) 5. Dalthegooner 6. Baser999 7. Daniel 8. Padtwo (as long as I can get the day off) 9. Nudge 10. Loony Toon 11. Pele 12. Scuzz & Herman 13. Loonybin 14. SCOOBYTOO 15. Scoots 16. Karn (aka. Still Grinning) 17. Dunks 18 bugeyed pug 19 yogi- and skippy (work permitting)
  15. 19 Yogi- & skippy (work permitting)
  16. Wey Hey!!! 1 Loony Toon goalie 1 2 Yogi 3 Baser999 goalie 2 thats three so far then lol
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