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About mikkers

  1. Yogi was the third person I ever met off here. He was very welcoming and very friendly, he is a good guy. He is not a keyboard hero, although I'm not entirely sure what that means. Maybe he thinks that the original ks members felt they had a god given right to waft in from extended absences and assume they were still in control, when actually, things were running very smoothly without them on SIDC. So when it comes to disruption, Yogi is one direction I am not looking in. And on a personal level, I have read your Facebook page Ian, and I am extremely sorry for your loss.
  2. KS has now been given a friendly face and a hugely competent organiser. Asking you was the only way it could move forward and I dont need to offer you any luck as I know you and the club will do well. It is just a shame you could not do it again as SIDC organiser as you once were but stepped down. While I don't know all your reasons for stepping down I did think that you perhaps felt you were not getting the full support you deserved from all areas of the club. While I will never post on Kent Scoobies and not even attend any future meets I do offer you my full support and hope to see you from time to time.
  3. Happy Birthday Ian!
  4. Times that by millions and it probably equals your pension deficit Hugh. And I agree, it is a complete car and while they are impressive figures it is only one part of the car that has been modified both fairly radically and with a sympathetic touch.
  5. So something tiny or something massive? Last time I had a bump (pre scooby) I got a micra, before that I got a diesel 106, which I managed to spin out in the wet taking the longfield turn off from the M2, which was a surprise as it rarely had enough road to get above 20mph. Me and my mate were driving in London one night when his clutch cable snapped. He called his recovery people out and they contacted a garage open at midnight about 3 miles away. When they came to collect the car, rather than towing it or putting it in a loader one of the guys got in and drove it - without using the clutch, even starting it up and pulling away. When I had the micra I tried to master this fine art. Changing up is quite easy, down a bit trickier but never managed to pull away from stationary without using it.
  6. No, he's thick.
  7. I normally get the bits for my car from scoobytibs' driveway.
  8. Only if you are looking at the car from the driver's side. If you look from the passenger side it's the reverse. Now that's magic.
  9. Across the bloody road? It's about a mile away and you have to cross the death trap A249. Good luck. I know you are used to popping in the pub after your trucking lay-by antics but I think the rest of us have more taste.
  10. Shame I'm working, would have been good to go. And a special guest appearance by Stiggy, blimey!
  11. Sorry to see that mate, I'm sure you will be back behind the wheel before long.
  12. Yeah man, you dig it the most. When I drifted the **** out of the fiesta last night, window down with Trampled Under Foot by the mighty Zep turned up to 10 (well, 30 oddly on the stereo) those ladies were foaming at the gash. Couldn't see for panties being thrown on the windscreen. Well righteous, you better believe it brother. Give me some skin. Oh yeah.
  13. Ya better believe it big boy. Backward, sidewards, frontwards and insideoutwards. The chavs with the pimp mobiles in the B&Q car park were jealous as ****. Well, it is a zetec.
  14. Did that in the bird's fiesta going round lockmeadow in maidstone last night. The slags waiting to go in liquid and envy were well impressed.
  15. But will his girlfriend be there?
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