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Everything posted by Linky

  1. ....for a small family car, cuddly toy, sunday dinner service?..... Is there no way you can make it Welsho?
  2. Gambler, Hope he is coming to croft with us!...... Does that mean i dont need to take my spanners
  3. Acid, Shame dude, think Scott (Gambler) and his m8 Johny are going to meet me in Dumfries. I was going to go to the one on the 5th of may but im offshore for that one also. Any update drop me a line You could always drop a spanner somewhere and get an unplanned shutdown,de-man,evac etc etc....alll for the cause dude
  4. flat-plannedcrank , thanks for taking the time to post those picts for me. Your picts look excellent m8, keep up the good work
  5. Well done m8,looks like it'll be fun, now its time to try to keep it out of the kitty litter
  6. did you get any picts of the blue new age at the hair pin? There must have been someone got me slideways
  7. Frank rally cars are supposed to have chips ......i been told its the chips that make them go pop bang pop
  8. As Frank says Allan at ASperformance is very helpfull. My 0.002 pence, for the budget you have i dont think any rotors you'd get for that money would be any better than the originals. Let us know how you get on....
  9. Nope just the front of it and the mirrors roof line etc. I know but like he said a 90k porche , i suppose its better than trying to match colours when you have to respray the front half..... Personally it wouldn't be me....hey stone chips make your car lighter!
  10. Thats the stuff Frank....a tad expensive but probably cheaper that a front end respray . I have never used it but my m8 did the front of his GT3 with it and he swears by it. I think it cost him 1300 squid tho....
  11. Kev stick with the pads M8
  12. Dont you get something similar thats in a clear coat ?
  13. I guess it depends on your requirements and budget. If its just for road use then i'd agree with Frank C. If your going to do any track days then you'll find that your standard set up will fade. Upgrading pads will no doubt give you better braking but i'd be aware of excessive disc wear that can somtimes be experienced. I hope this is of some help
  14. Shame Graham, maybe next one I have the same problem as does scott i believe with noise levels , so i have sent off to some companies for an exhaust bung also. ANyone any ideas?
  15. Try to find a set of brembo's with Performance friction front rotors and z rated pads all round. I fitted them to my car and you cant get them to fade on the track, do this and you'll never want for brakes ever again. Awsum
  16. No other takers?......BTTT
  17. Thats me booked my place. Stroll on May 25th!
  18. Hi Scott, http://www.trackdays.co.uk/tracks/croft.htm 169 for the day as far as i can see + fuel + accomidation. ALot of money but croft looks like a wicked track. Get back to me and if your up 4 it then ill book my place now
  19. Hi, Im staying in the Glasgow area and was looking for any like minded peeps who would be up for a trip down to Croft for a trackday on the 25th May. I was planning down on the 24th afternoon ish and overnight stay. Track day all next day and drive back up the road. I havent booked my place yet so anyone interested could they pm me and we can orginise somthing.I could do with the moral support, tow, shoulder to cry on, spanners etc etc
  20. yup read the sticker on the back of that evo when i was passing it on the home straight in the wet! Think its time they got new stickers!
  21. I had a great day and thanked Andy F for tuning my car but i was suffering from lack of power when tank was below half.....i think this was due to fuel surge???......how do you over come this problem as im planning to do croft in may? ANy help much apprie
  22. Wicked picts. Mines the Blue scoob SB04. Hers some more picts http://www.stornowaycruise.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=908
  23. It was good to be there and show up the Bruce's taxi's evo's. I liked the one with the scoob blitzer writen on the rear end...shame i could only read it on the passing. Thanks to Andy for the map on my scoob
  24. It was a slippery day good for the slideways! My SBO4Ruu scoob was suffering from fuel surge towards the end. ANyone got any ideas how to cure this?. The nutter with the SR10 ended up in the kitty litter just infront of me. Not the best handling motor for the track
  25. Hi Folks, Wondering if anyone can recommend any companies in the glasgow or near by area that are good with suspension geometry? Any and all help gratefully recieved Best Regards Colin
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