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Everything posted by quagmire

  1. Not been to many meets this year but hopefully will get around to more this coming year. Well done to all for the efforts made and this forum has me in fits most of the time. Happy xmas to you all
  2. Not me!! I've been in manchester all weekend there is a car like mine that lives a few houses along from the pub.
  3. I saw it the other week. its pretty sweet aint it Strange place to have a shop like that though i thought
  4. Guess you can't judge a book by its colours then And cheap too by the sounds of it. I have a guy thats freelance and he comes to my house, he don't use stencils or anything and does all his stuff freehand, quite cheap too as he has no shop to upkeep
  5. Monts got loads of stuff like that on his site mischief inc but for me.....no sorry dude, the best i can do is my wedding video!!!
  6. Congratulations to you both, This place is like a bay factory!!
  7. Never looked the cleanest place for a tattoo, on the outside anyway
  8. Congratulations to you both, enjoy those sleepless nights, god i don't miss them!!! Great xmas present too
  9. Silver classic with big rear wing in Rainham high street....got a wave
  10. I was working in that area the other day and thought about popping into there...didn't know it had even closed
  11. Dunks on lower rainham rd 14.30 ish today
  12. And how do blind people know when to stop wiping?
  13. What colour does a smurf go if you choke it?
  14. happy birthday mate, hope you had a good day
  15. Good in summerf mate, has a large garden and a playarea for the kids, afternnons would be good cos foods available.
  16. Anyones welcome there mate, they have a classic car club meet there in summer and last week he had 120+ scooters in there as they were doing a charity ride for Demelza house! No food in the evenings but they do good food in there during the daytime. Its got a big car park so loads of parking and i'm sure if anyone wanted to meet he'd be glad of the money at this stage of year, so many pubs closing nowadays. Just go in and say you know Lee
  17. Thats my dads pub mate, i'm always in there...purely visiting of course!!
  18. Mine's pretty good too She bought me a Tag Heuer watch for our anniversary bless her, and its only our first!!! Can't wait to see what i get for the second!
  19. A hat-trick of spots for Matt Blue V Ltd this week, spotted in Twydall shops (probably raiding Woolies!!) and no mate i'm not stalking you
  20. Sorry fella! Saw you last minute as i had the three kids all yapping at me
  21. I got ps3 mate, got the new COD for xmas so gonna get bang on that xmas day!! I mostlt play pes2009 online though.
  22. Matt Blue V ltd turning into a road off childscroft in Rainham this afternoon....twice in one week mate
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