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Everything posted by empty_heed

  1. nice one guys, nothing beats a bit of team work
  2. lucky you i'm aff it this weekend, got a big week ahead of me and i'm required to go to a 3rd birthday party tomorrow. bouncey castle time didn't think a hangover and 20 toddlers would go well ha.
  3. looking for a gb270 wagon scoop for a friend of a friend, bigger than the standard one. is the space for fitting a scoop on the gb the same size as a regular hawkeye or is it slightly diffent shape ? might be a silly question but if you dont ask you don't find out, i think it's the same but dinny want to order anythin till i'm sure. ta
  4. dont think i'd use this method ha. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKjaqYUA11k
  5. nah the peeled it from the 2 top corners then it ripped a bit at the semi circular edge bit. looked well shabby took it off with the hair dryer.
  6. for some reason my neighbour thought gerard was a quiet geek and i told him far from it . . . . nothing against geeks but you can't be geek and drive the bomber they just don't go together. any hoo the wee guy thinks it's funny to set the bombers alarm off every time he leaves his house in his 1. poo corsa so i told him gerard was a crazy man so he coasts past it now so as not to set the 90 million tone alarm off.
  7. bobs car was fine and my mums was fine, that banger corsa from next door was fine. don't think it's be the wee guy neext door he knows the script that he'd get his baws towed, especially since he's under the impression a certain friend (mr ting tong) is a crazy man i don't think he'd mess. with mine or any of your lots cars.
  8. i think i might have another one need to have a hunt. i got a few but gave some to my friends who helped me sorting stuff to be able to go to the gathering. would appreciate that pretender if i can't find it. yeah it's really well travelled imy, everythin scooby and non scoobny related i've been to it's been to. wales wrc, silverstone gt racing, mcrae stages twice, knockhill i dont know how many times, crail, santa cruise the list goes on.
  9. not had my sport out for 2 weeks as it was up the sloped car park behind my flat. i can see the car from my back door but today is the first day i've been able to push myself up to it with out sliding on the snow and ice and upon getting to i find my gathering sticker wrecked. raging it's been half peeled then ripped and just left. i'm a bit gutted, had it on my car for so long, and it's was well traveled. can't believe someone was aboot my car and did such a thing
  10. wheels will be here in 3 weeks so i have til then to get some graphs. i'm not going over board just something along the bottom of the doors
  11. placed my order for the oz already gus. the revolution are nice but too similar to one of my mates wheels
  12. ha sorry it's in dunoon, ting tongs folks live at one end of it and my folks live near the other end.
  13. it's a road known by the locals as lovers lane it's sign posted as ferry road. don't know why it's called lovers lane but i think i'll try find out now. it's single track road about a mile or less no street lights, sometimes deer, and links between the "high road" & the "shore road" ting tong surelly yer maw would know ?
  14. aye him. lex thinks his car is me going to pick her up from my mums sometimes.
  15. small world that scooby lives across from my mums house.
  16. aww thats pants poor scooby. hope all ok.
  17. ha is that santa doing it xmas eve for you. mines feling pretty damn good. i'm not complaing about having snow but look forward to a dry road to give it speed limit wellie
  18. need decal ideads i'm thinking oz racing stickers in blue to go with the wheels i just ordered they not coming for 3 weeks but thats ok cos they'll look the mutts nuts when they get here. think i'll get my current wheels redone in black and keep them for the track/spare. richie the matt black would look good on your car.
  19. they have oz untraleggera on the larkspeed website, their in the catalogue too. http://www.larkspeed.com/index.pl?c=OZULTR...&s=category http://www.larkspeed.com/index.pl?c=OZSUPE...&s=category
  20. 17" ally, had 18's on the sport and didnt like the feel of them. mr mastercard is going to get abused for which ever ones i decide
  21. saw this on nitro circus a week or so ago. great show it's usually on mtv (350) or mtvr (160) and theirs some nitro circus coming on mtvr at the moment
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