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Posts posted by empty_heed

  1. need to get some new coil packs, 2 for definate but might get full set to be on the safeside. any recomendations were to get from i would normally use s & s but open to trying other places.


  2. Dale she has already got a bung in it :lol:


    bung is oot at the mo. it's a bitch getting the bung back in, it's been out since crail on sunday. i hate the fight trying to get it in and i've lost my ten mil spanner.

    i don't know if it'd need rempapped again dale, will i ? i just want an mot :lol:

    getting winscreen repaired or replaced today too.

  3. i've got a blitz nur spec exhaust and mot time is coming. thinking of getting a centre section with sports cat if possible so i can hopefully pass an mot and tone down the burble a bit. it's a bit anti social for talking to your passenger as much as i love the noissy burble. can i get a section with a built in sports cat? it's frying my brain a bit as need the mot pass for highland fling and exhaust is my only issue i'd say. some pics below.

  4. moving far Keira? think your just down the road from my mate just now, he's usually in a focus when hes on shore but has a very nice blue v5 type r ** cjf

    were abouts is he?

    just moving a bit out of town closer to the ferry for escaping and a wee bit closer to my mum for non burnt dinners :rolleyes:

    somewere with a garage for my classic :)

  5. got them fited today strike, only got confirmed i was getting them this morn :rolleyes:

    ok both cars need washed and hoovered but due to move house in three weeks so they are being a wee bit neglected well apart from the brakes. got to get through an mot next month with no cats too.

  6. myself, my mate, big bob and his partner are all booked into the morefield motel about a mile down the road from you lot. had to get somewere with an chair friendly room. shall be joining you all for dinner though :)

    we might stay in fort william on the friday night but not decided yet.

  7. Some blue graphics to finish it off, what you got planned?

    i'm open to suggestions and if a photo shopper wants to have a tinker feel free. i could have oz racing in blue, if i had to add another colour to it maybe yellow. maybe the subaru graphics, want it to look good not over the top. expect to move house in the near future so can't but to much time into at he mo.

  8. What are "whels"? :P

    Look different to the norm and i like alot :)

    ha whels is lack of finger pressure in an attempt to spell wheels :) corrected for you :P yeah i look forward to a sunny day to see how they will look, and a possibility of some blue graphics of some description eventually.

  9. on and looking good, noticable difference in my steering due to them being lighter. wheels are different shades depending on the light. she could really do with a wash now but i haven't got around to it yet.

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