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About Sticks

  1. Well done steve
  2. Here is some more of you parade laps
  3. Torpedo may have got some. She is putting her's up later, will have a look then.
  4. That will be a good time to do it. Be nice if we could get enough to do a whole Sunday
  5. The joint one i will make sure there will be plenty of notice
  6. We had a full list about a day ago and then lots of people got problems with there cars. But maybe next time we could do a joint one and see if we can get a whole day of it
  7. No problem Steve, name added
  8. I know it is this weekend but just seeing if any of you where interested On the Saturday 1st March 2008 Time: 12.00 onwards Place's available: 15 to 20 places. anyone with previous RR readouts please feel free to bring them along, if you would like to compare previous results..... even if the car is standard, Alan and Martyn will be only to happy to advise on any future mods, or obtaining that little bit more power from your pride n joy...... £25 for 2 runs...... afterwards we can all retire to a pub to socialise and compare results and gaid ideas for your cars....... so names down please....... 1. Bob ~ BMW---confirmed 2. briharri147---confirmed 3. Somerset Scooby---confirmed 4. Alan Jeffery---confirmed 5. Steve555---confirmed 6. Victim---confirmed 7. Derek---confirmed 8. llamedos---confirmed 9. Bigals---confirmed 10. Torpedo---confirmed 11. moff1888---confirmed 12. JD---poss RESERVE LIST: (BUT YOU MAY NOT GET TO RUN) 1. -------- 2. -------- 3. -------- 4. -------- 5. -------- thank you Mark
  9. Merry Christmas to all at SIDC
  10. Here is my video And here are my pictures
  11. There is one at the same place on the 4th of November
  12. Hi Steve SWS are planning a rolling road day at AJ's the end of November but then Tiny said that you where having one in the middle of that month. I was just wondering if you wanted to link the two and we join in with yours to make one big day of it. Would you put it to your members and let me know what they say. Cheers Mark
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