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About jono400

  1. Okay cheers, seems its got no service history and only been owned since april so think I will give this one a miss - pity as it actually looks clean anough from the pics.
  2. Anyone on here own this car ?? looks very clean for age and certainly a lot more cleaner than the Elgin special from a week or two ago !! bit put off by the non low mileage usually seen with imports off this particular year, anyone here know this particular car, worth a look ?? http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/249222.htm
  3. So its finally sold then is it ?? ah well guess it was never meant for me anyway !!!
  4. Cheers guys looks like I will just give this one a miss, as I say its a pity I was not closer just so that I could ahve put my mind at rest that I was indeed not missing a true bargain but guess that is just the chance I will have to take !! there is just a few things that seem to give off warning bells, again I think the very fact that it has not been snapped up already even at the original price never mind this new lower price off £3200 must itself show that something is just not right as surely there have been a few viewers at least ?? again can someone tell me if the front bumper has indeed been changed as was pointed out in one off the posts above, to me it looks the correct bumper for a sti3 off this year is it not ?? again any other locals to this car please do let me know what you think off this car would still be very interested to here your comments.
  5. Okay cheers appreciatte your coments regards this particular car, just a pity that its not closer or I would have certainly had a closer inspection of it. did notice that the wing did look a slightly different colour to the rest of the car, did not actually notice that the front bumper had been changed, is the one fitted off a newer model or what ?? is reported to also have a small dent on the drivers side as well as a small hole in the lower spoiler. not sure if the overall condition off the car actually relates to a car off this mileage but do appreciatte that its not exactly just a couple off years old either !! as I say from the email conversations with the owner the car was only imported in january, so is still on its first uk owner, was a grade 1 import but apparantly this was due to it being modified ?? have seen other similar cars but without soe off the extra toys for sale at around the £4000 mark but just feel that if indeed this car was a bargain then surely it would have been snapped up especially at this new price off £3200 ?? no more Elgin locals able to share any further info on this particular car then ??!! would be my first entry into subaru ownership so any further advice really would be much appreciatted guys. cheers
  6. For sale at £3200 now, surely a bargain or is it ?? anyone been to view it yet ?? sure its possibly that spoiler thats putting so many potential buyers off ?? is it too cheap for a one uk owner low mileage car ??
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