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Posts posted by P1Daveyboy

  1. Pretender - Cheers. :rolleyes: Yeah I have got a crate of OB winging it's way to me and will use it along with V-Power (if i can find any!!). Im going to be gentle and take it easy on the car till I have the mapping funds.

    Micra - Cheers for the link. I've been on p1woc too and would love to go to the prodrive event. The distance is putting me off a little as im not sure about taking it on a 700 mile round trip when i've just got it. It would be a shame to finally get the car and not go though! Will need to see :whistle:

    There are two coming from europe to the meet at Prodrive check the list on the P1WOC

    Would be nice to meet you as well


  2. Coming back from offshore yesterday sitting it traffic in Aberdeen.

    In the next lane a hotty in a Z4 who was giving it the odd glance as was I :o

    Stopped next to her at a set of lights roll the window down to see if I can get a bit of banter.

    Push myself upright in my seat as i was in more of a chav position :D

    Say HI then lean back in my seat and woosh it reclines fully leaving me flat out :D

    In a panic i slip of the clutch and the car dives forward. Luckly the handbrake was only gently so the car

    stops about an inch from the car in front.

    Bloody seatbelt wrapped round the handle to recline the seat.

    Does this happen to other people?

    When i sat back up the hotty was pissing herself as was everbody in the cars around me felt like a right t**t.

    The lights then went green and i went realy slow and swapped lanes.

    They do say seat belts save your lives.

    You could have got married had ankle biters won the lottery £50,000,000

    Got to meet another hotty at the lights

    Got divorced lost half of said lottery win

    Got drunk for the foresable future

    So be thankfull for small mercy :D:P;):D:D:D:D:D

  3. Yet another TAX on the motorist why bother owning a car. Give it up and the muppets loose all the tax we pay to them. Vat on new cars, Import tax, Road fund tax er duty, Insurance tax, mot cost, Tax on parts for your car, Tax to take your driving test, Tax on dirving lessons, In london congestion charge er Tax, Parking cost er tax, worn out now over taxed B):lol:;)

  4. look on pistonheads theres all types and prices on there they worry me why do they all seem to have rebuilds at around 50k

    Like all things it depends how you look after them and also drive them.

    Mines at around 54K on original engine. Engine fine :guinness:

    Still with you on the rebuild side of things though, but like every thing put your money down and take the chance.

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