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About Hightower

  1. I have to say I was in a few months ago looking at a white one and they couldn't have been more helpful. Gavin gave us a good test drive of the car and was spot on. Unfortunately it was just not quick enough for me but is a step up comfort and interior wise. Put another 50-100bhp under the bonnet and I would have bought it. Ended up going for an M3
  2. i am not sure if it will fit but i am going to sell one from my RB320, i have removed it already as selling the RB and i was going to give the buyer of the rb first refusal. I would do it for around the 350 mark. It would need a polish as i removed it last week and have been offshore since. Could get photos from HQ if you are interested.
  3. it seems to happen to all nice cars, i park well away from everyone if i take the scoob to a supermarket but a few months ago the car park was dead i parked and came back to find a newish BMW next to me WTF? there were spaces everywhere. while i was loading up the boot he came back so i thought sod it and i asked him why he parked next to me when there were double/triple spaces everywhere so no one would have been near him... his reply... Park next to a mint car and the chances are they will want to keep it mint so will take care getting in and out so will not door bash his car.... fair point. i just think it was so they can have a good look at the cars without making it obvious!
  4. i have one on my rb320 and it turned it into the god of thunder.. that backfires..... but they are loud. i have a bung i put in when the wee ones in the back and going on a long journey. it toatally kills the sound but you do notice a bit of a power drop. its fine but you cant drive it hard with the bung in. i also put sound deadening in the boot and doors reduces some of the road noise as well. i dont think there is a better exhaust for an impreza
  5. well after a fair bit of arguing and some exellent work on ian grieves part arguing with the warranty company and subaru got the rear set changed on my rb to the uprated ones.... all 4 now changed in a few months hopefully the blistein uprted ones will last. no reports of them failing....yet.
  6. how much roughly would that be as would not mind getting my rb done in the spring time
  7. only if they can see the cameras....
  8. me am and a few of my mates are going to the ring next year.....time to beat? maybe not.
  9. my last wr1 would come down to 7mpg, 1/4 tank in 15 min. smiles per miles were very high though
  10. i do love that bit of road, like the flames out of the rs
  11. there is a post about re-packing them somewhere, as the shocks should be ok just the grease has gone hard? over on general discussion on the uk sidc bit. I think that is is not on thats all, i was going to buy the warranty when mine runs out in july but what is the point as the blistien ones on the rb320s are even more expensive so 1100 for an extra 2 years warranty is not that bad a deal for piece of mind but if they are not covered pointless.
  12. i have used both over the last few days and have not noticed any difference to be fair, montrose and back tank of juice
  13. thats a disgrace sell a car with a warrenty and then dont cover shocks the subarus biggest problem, i have a years warrenty on my rb320 and was going to extend it for 2 further years but if they are not covering the shocks what the hell is the point. Shocking!
  14. gutted for you dude this is shocking
  15. i am/wanting to get my rb dynoed at some point
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