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Mrs Bailey

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About Mrs Bailey

  1. The busier I get at work, the harder I find it is to avoid wanting a ciggarette. Must be a stress thing ! Well done Ed, you are a better man than me LOL
  2. Would if I could....but I can't......'cause I'm not, sorry
  3. Bless you. On another related subject, when is the next Sun Inn meet, Darren didn't know when I asked him earlier ?
  4. You are right, I just checked the weather for Weston tomorrow, sunny intervals, however with not knowing how Stink is going to be in the morning, and since SP has to book the lunch venue, it thing you have to count us out sadly. ......I even took Monday of so I'd still have two days for house work !!
  5. Sponsor the Baileys - why, oh why is stopping smoking so very very hard. I really want a fag (I really do want one, just don't need one, I know). I was vile to Erin and Darren this morning. I am really missing those five minute breaks from everyone and everything. I surrendered this morning on the way to work, I bought some, had five drags and then threw it out the window of the car because I was so angry with myself - temporary set back !!!! Big respect to Ed, must be 20/25 days by now.
  6. Well by this then: http://users.autoexposure.co.uk/classicdd.cfm?Account=AETA38975&VehicleID=AETV71981580 it'll be tough to balance on my knee while I watch Eastenders and where does the cable go to connect to the net !!
  7. I wanna see it mate - come to the Weston Meet on Sunday There you go again Ed, being impatient. All I can say is.................. .......Yeah come on, bring it to Weston - We all want to see it. Mmmm, an interesting moment to join a chat thread, could so easily be mis-understood LOL only those with a dodgy mind lol What, dodgy, i don't understand, I am assuming this relates to a new kitten they have.... ........please explain your interpretation
  8. Oi Mrs Bailey - Isnt it about time you came home from work? was gonna say - was there a laptop in the Bailey Household?????????? Not yet, but I feel a spend coming on
  9. I wanna see it mate - come to the Weston Meet on Sunday There you go again Ed, being impatient. All I can say is.................. .......Yeah come on, bring it to Weston - We all want to see it. Mmmm, an interesting moment to join a chat thread, could so easily be mis-understood LOL
  10. Hey, don't complain, Darren is NEVER home early. He can pop out to meet Ed at the depot to do a spot of car worship, and I wont know if he made it home until I wake up in the morning.
  11. Oh....... ................was it your Birthday ??
  12. It's a long way off, but the Baileys may be able to manage the Saturday and Sunday. From September this year we are held hostage by school term dates
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