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Everything posted by TJ_666

  1. Sorry craigy - we cant make this one
  2. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=105737
  3. My other car is a Scooby ====================================================== Just another insert for this .................... Just a quick question for this - Think about it - and sorry its not really a caption ! Ok - What make of car does this look like (see the front of it ) ! I know what people used to say about these drivers when I was at school ... Mmmmmm ... I am NOT going to repeat it at all ... As I do not agree in any way ! As I do not want to offend anyone
  4. Everything does look clean and very nice But can you do this !!! Giboman took this today - I like :-)
  5. Great pics - and I really do like the Pic of you in my car, As such ! - (not just becase its mine !!) Just very very good ...
  6. For some reason, I am thinking of a cartoon !!! and the Mystery machine !!! BUT - - - > Thats as far as I have got ... Any clues please ????
  7. Cool day - Great place - nice food - Shame about all those Scoobys messing up the view in the pics ! Opps - I ment great scoobys too (The Black one looks shiney) Thanks evey1 for a good time . Tony / Sam and kids ... See you all soon .... PS - Great Pics too
  8. Hi Sexy ;-)

  9. Oh dear hehe - What to say - I have seen you at weekends and you dress normal - so this must be something to do with your day job ! LOL :-)

  10. Yer - Was hopeing to start at B and Q in Aylesbury - as only around 30 min drive from here ! ** Not sure what time ?? **
  11. Thats not good....... ......glad I have my ticket. Pmsl dirty scroat [][] Oh dear [][] Shall we say Back to the LOUD Music ...... And Errr FAST CARS ...... [H] LOL
  12. [H] No No - My kids are 3 and 6 and have been to this for the last 2 years ...... THEY LOVE ALL THE LOAD MUSIC AND EVERY THING [] [] BUT i will say Err Well ... The Ladies working on the day MMmmm .... well !!- They are there more for the older generation ! LOL []
  13. I just re-read my message above and decided I should not use the computer after dark as I do not make much sense ! - All I would like to know is can I be added to the SIDC display please and get a Display stand pass - Thanks - - (I think that made more sense LOL)
  14. Hi - I purchased my ticket direct (Silly me) But I am an SIDC member - in Aylesbury - Am i in the correct place to add my car to the Stand / Jap show at Santa pod I had my New 53 STI on the stand for the 1st Time and went in convoy with Wimpy and others ! - Could some1 let me know - thanks :-)
  15. Err Me - 95 - Err maybe [] - I am on a little budget at mo - it gets mixed ... []
  16. Yep - took me a couple of months to fill in form - (slow at writing) - but got there in the end - I do miss the wagon they have their own look - would have been fun to have both cars - one for day use - one weekend - but i do not have lots of money - well I dont now with the newer STI - [:S]
  17. Cool - LOL - I did think u were a mind reader or something [:|] Tell u something - My wagon was running almost same time as my STI - But it did have 3 times the milage on it - and I do like black cars []
  18. These following pics will keep all happy who did not go on saturday ... (It only rained at 4.30 pm) and I had a few runs on the track ... A couple of pics 4 u ... " mce_src=""> " mce_src=""> " mce_src=""> ** AND THIS ONE - OFFICALLY THS """ SLOWEST """" CAR OF THE DAY ON SATURDAY - - MY MATE ROY - HeHe - hAVE A LOOK AT MY YOU TUBE - IT IS VERY FUNNY " mce_src="">
  19. Small world !!! - - err - yes - !!! Dare I ask how u know LOL (Were u in the Silver car i met this morning !).................... PS - do u mean this one (v cool on start line last year) " mce_src="">
  20. PS - I think that is you (Mani) behind my car - Nice to meet you .
  21. Thanks for that - I will try - see what happens - maybe get a blank photo knowing my great knowledge of computers !
  22. ??? New to this - I have a couple of extra pics to add here - But me Silly - and have no idea how to do this ..... Any help !
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