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Posts posted by TJ_666

  1. Just wanted to add my thanks - It was good to see all again - but as this was a different show to the normal - our kids loved it so too :)

    Well they always love the car shows - But seeing all the planes / cars / Tanks / Trains etc etc etc ... was differnet for them as well :P

    So Thanks again to all .

  2. It's nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the enviroment, the goverment is jumping on the green bandwagon as it can see increased revenue opportunities, the green issue is just a great excuse for them.

    Car emissions in the UK are minute compared to industry, cows farting etc.

    I was saying at work this afternoon the same sort of thing - but I also decided I think I need to mover to France .

    If the people do not like something they strike and Block the ferry ports etc - we being good old British - Moan and then PAY !!! !!! !!!

  3. wr1 for sale or px for 1.1 fiesta they pi** me right off..... ;)

    What I saw in the sun today also confused me - If you buy a New 1.4 Golf you pay £425 Tax - I think - is that for the 1st year only ?

    Even SMALL cars are crap for us to drive in road tax !! ( WELL I THINK - AS I HAVE NO REAL IDEA WHATS WHAT NOW ! )

  4. All cars in band G emissions over 225 k/gm are only liable for the higher tax if registered after end march 06. so if your scoob is between a Y and 55 its still £115 for 6 months. They are certainly trying to screw the drivers for every penny they have.

    Is this correct - as I have a MY 53 STI - and My budget (Yes My own) is pushing the limits paying for it !

    I am so confused now !! !! !! !!


    Please help ...................

  5. Are we allowed to talk about this ??? As we can't talk about the other thing I am not going to mention that gets taxed far to much ! ...

    This is a Quote I received from an Admin person on here !! ... (100% no lie) - naming no names - but he knows who he is . and this is NOT a dig at him - but a dig at if these posts are left on here or not !


    You will NOT change fuel pricing via these methods and NO petition - official or otherwise will make any difference. It's part and parcel of living in Britain. I can only suggest you emigrate if you're not happy.

    End Quote

    Lets see if what happens !

  6. Hi Craigy,

    Sorry we didnt make it today - i have been sat at this computer since 11.00 trying to complete my draft assignment that has to be in tomorrow! We hope to make it to the meet at Ace cafe, so hopefully catch up with you there.


  7. Hope you all had a good day (apart from the sad news !!)

    Sorry I missed this months meet ! But I was out at the Semi Finals for the VXR Racing driver of the year competition in Milton Keynes !

    :( Opps yes Vauxhall !! :P

    Well good news (Not 4 me ! lol ) I will not be trading in the STI yet for a VXR ! - as I did not drive fast enough ! I blame it on the car ( well go kart !!) and the stupid person who spun in front of me - loosing me my fastest lap today ! (whatever the time 4 that may have been )

    On that note, hope to see you all next time, also @ .......

    JAP Show @ santa pod :P

    Tunnel run :D

  8. My other car is a Scooby :icon_hang:


    Just another insert for this ....................

    Just a quick question for this - Think about it - and sorry its not really a caption !

    Ok - What make of car does this look like (see the front of it ) !

    I know what people used to say about these drivers when I was at school ... Mmmmmm ...

    I am NOT going to repeat it at all ... As I do not agree in any way ! :icon_salut: As I do not want to offend anyone ;)

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