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About shetland_wrx

  1. yeah there pretty good. only 1 pro lazer handheld gun on the island and no fixed cameras or that kind of things up here. The traffic car is a diesel vectra! so no T5's, jags etc to chase you! a few lots of speed bumps around schools but thats ok. good twisty roads and realy good surface on them for cars or bikes. especially when youve been driving on the same roads for years, nothing changes apart from how quick you can do them in if you feel the need. just have to watch out for sheep though! alot of them ready to jump out on you! haha!
  2. haha i know. they realy are cracking roads up here. all 60miles of it for the length of the island!! haha! we get alot of new cops up here when they come out of the police college as a first posting and they try to make an impression to there bosses so sometimes you get the odd one that wid screw their own granny over to get brownie points with their superiors! haha!
  3. yeah i think so. got a 600cc hornet and my WRX to keep on the right side of the law. did thing about buying a little 50cc scooter to go back and forth to work on just to make sure of that! haha! or i will just take the wifes 1400 golf to work! just about as fast as a scooter! haha
  4. im 21, 5 years no-claims and 3 points with car stored in a locked garage and i pay £980 third party a year on a '95 wrx import. uk spec's are alot cheaper to insure. when i was looking for a wrx then i could get fully comp for just less that that. as for the young drivers thing, i agree and dissagree. ive been driving cars since i was 13 on my mates farm and bikes since then to, i do admit that i did have a slight ding with my first car and never had one again. ive done the skid car course, an introduction to advanced driving and a defensive driver training and doing a course with the road traffic bikers in 2 weeks time for the bike. it has improved my driving a great deal and im glad i did it now. i think what im trying to say is that no matter if your driving a 1.1 metro or a wrx, accidents do happen if your not carefull, to anyone, young or old. statistics do prove that young drivers have more accidents but with the proper training, can learn to be a good, safe and carefull driver. but not alot of people can have the oppertunity that ive had to learn, old bangers and driving round fields and learning to control cars. there is only so much you can learn from books and instructors (i.e driving test) but in reality you only start learning after that.
  5. cant complain at that! ive had no luck with speed guns! at one point i had 11 points! most cleared now, only have 3 left to clear! there due to come off in 2years time! hope i dont get caught again! haha
  6. looks very clean. ive got an M-plate in white. lovely cars! enjoy washing it every second day though! [8o|]
  7. oh my god!! that looks like a home made thing! haha! get the old hacksaw oot the tool box and cut about 10" off the height and shorten the width by about 4" and it maybe wouldnt look to bad! []
  8. hey there, just finished polishing the car and ive decided that meguires (sp) is an right pain to use and im not realy to impressed with the shine that you get. Much prefer the autoglym range. whats everyone elses veiws?
  9. yeah thats her alright. where did ya get that picture from? what do you work as btw?
  10. im pretty sure that it was in lerwick harbour 2weeks ago to refuel. big boat! bet it goes like stink to! Maybe not a good advert for its sea trials....tug following it! haha!
  11. Does that belong to the norweigan navy? im pretty sure that it stopped along lerwick to refuel a couple of weeks ago. weird looking thing! what is it?
  12. looks good with the sickers bud! They were the ones that i wanted to get for my white classic. Never seen them on a silver car but they look great! How were they to fit? A pain in the backside to line up i would imagine...?
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