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Chris Reside

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Everything posted by Chris Reside

  1. Hi, im having to do something thats proving not to be very easy & thats sell my car advertised on the 3rd page of for sale & wanted under "Sti for Sale" Due to having a new baby i really need somthing more suitable. So if anybody would like a great Type R please have a look & make me a good offer as near to £8000 as it would make life alot easier for me & baby Millie
  2. Cheers mate!
  3. I'm just about to advertise my car for sale on the site, can someone tell me how to add pictures? Thanx
  4. Hows things ? i was there on Sunday & you took me up the track on your last run, & i can defo say your clutch was well past it.[] I take it you got home ok then ? (a tad slower than you got up there).[]
  5. Chris, Old Inns is the Shell Station on the M80 just after the Castlecary junction. There used to be a Little Chef there too but its been closed down. have fun if you go [] ah ha, i know where now, thanks for that [] are you not venturing up to crail then ? or will you be nursing a hangover ? [+o(] im just looking forward to seeing andys car going up the track if the weather holds out. [um]
  6. if i get my car back in time i'll meet up, only prob. is where is the old inns ??? is that the one thats next to where auchinkilins roundabout ?
  7. Cheers Guys, he has until Friday and then I'll take it back.
  8. I have a 98' v4 type r. i put it into a garage to get the oil leak from the rocker cover N/S fixed. He has now had the car for nearly 2 weeks now & im slowly starting to get anoyed now, after him telling me it was a easy job & it wouldnt take long at all. His excuse is that there is 3 different types of bolts for this job & his supplyer keeps sending him the wrong ones. Is this possible or are i getting the piss taken out of me, cause im missing the car now & would feel better if i had the car back now safely in my drive.
  9. Cheers mate, not very good with this technical stuff. Here's a few pics. Got plenty pics if you want any more. Let me know what you think
  10. seems easy enough uncle bob i'll give it go []
  11. no such luck [:'(]
  12. No probs mate, got to keep your options open eh, if i can work out how to put some pics up for you i'll do it as soon as
  13. The light bulbs behind my heater controls have went out & not one dealership I've contacted stock them [:@] its a 98' model, has anyone else had this problem ? If so where do i get replacements or do i need to buy a new control panel as the dealer in Eaglesham suggested, which i presume wont be cheep []
  14. [:^)] I think i may be able to help you on this one or maybe i've just seen an opportunity to help us both out.[] In august im gona be changing nappies for the 1st time (wish me luck)[+o(] of course im very happy with it being my first [] im also sad that having a V4 type R isnt the most practical car [:^)] & so im looking to sell come august/september if you are interested []
  15. what is it you need cars for ? what's involved ? if i can get off work i might be interested [^o)] MY98 White Type R
  16. Ah a joint effort then So wis i right in saying that you had pics up on the site when ure car wis gitting work done to it ? if so the car looks much better when you see it for real than in the pics
  17. Nice pics. [Y] I like your matching blue badge to go wae your classic, really tidy looking car. so did you take the pics ? if you did i must thank you for the pic of mine. the white type R. I've been trying to get one of mine on any site for a while but dont know how [*-)] pitty you never got the front cause i've yet to see another classic wae a 92-98 front bumper wae a P1 splitter [] But anyway come sept. the car will be up for sale so someone else can have the plesure [:'(]
  18. The white 2 door sti. wit were u in ???
  19. The underground carpark behind the bus station at the shopping center.I think Summerfield wis the store that opened out to it ?
  20. So did anybody go to the Fastcar event at EastKlbride carpark last nite ?[8-)] I went & sadly there wis a very little turn out of subaru's [] to the best of my memery i only counted about 7, 8 including mine. the nicest 1 there being a RB 320, i did see 1 siliver wagon which im sure had recent pics. on the site of just having alot of work done to it, roof vent, bodykit etc... sporting a S.I.D.C sticker.[Y]
  21. looks like your blue subaru has a few folk liking it [] hope you get the sale your after [Y]
  22. is the blue wagon a new age one wae a private reg. & has a set of prodrive wheels on it ?? if it has i think i know him & could let him know about your post on the website so your work hasnt gone to waste mate
  23. Hey Chris, We were out over Cairn o mount and over deeside to Pitarch, for a Shandy, Hardly a cloud in the sky m8 Thanks for the comment on my car[] Its For sale!!!!! LOL [] Apparently you can get tablets for wind & wet patches mate [][] Aye speaking fae experience eh ??[]
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