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Posts posted by scoobzie

  1. i,am looking to take of the heat shield from the standard headers on my scoob it,s a classic my00 can this be done without removing the headers i have a vibration from one of them so the lot has to go anyone any pointers on this :wub: regards scoobzie

  2. after a round trip of 720 miles and 14hours later heres a few pics of the new car







    its been well cared for by its previous owner and goes not too bad too :D

    am loving the car jim that colour really sets it of call it the ( JIM JET ) that,s a worthy name for it next time your going to crail a will take a walk down to the old inns for a look :rotfl:

  3. hi guys looking for an exedy hyper single plate clutch for the scoob any ideas as to were i can get one the cheapest i,ve found was 950 quid it,s for a classic supplier needed. :)

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