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Everything posted by Chris.Mcd

  1. Thanks bud. I am quite handy with tools yeah but saying that I think having never tackled a head gasket before then I would just leave it to a garage to do. Car booked in on Monday to get a second opinion about gasket than I can take it from then .
  2. Thanks for the advice guys. Looks like its the head gasket/s then :thumbup: How much roughly am I speaking to get this done?
  3. Ok thanks. Will try that tomorrow. If it does spray then is it defiantely the gasket? Because as I said earlier, its defiantely seems to be that the coolant is transferring from the header tank to the overflow tank by the battery because when it over heats there is nothing in the header tank and the overflow tank is full. Which i think will suggest that your test will spray coolant all over my screen!!! Hope that makes sense lol
  4. Doesnt sound good. Would there be any other symptons? (sp) Although car is running totally fine apart from the overheating, I even drove the other day from Dundee to Edinburgh with no problems at all. I have noticed the last few days that if I stay off boost it seems to be fine but even just a quick 10 sec blast the temp shoots right up. Any ideas?
  5. Also, I bought a new radiator cap today and its still doing the same. Fans seem to be working like normal Sticky thermosat - could be that. Just dont want to do trial and error on things and therefore having to spend a fortune on things that i dont need. I have spent enough on the car in the last two months Thanks Chris
  6. Hi Andy Na it was my car that had the coolant puddle under it prior to mapping and also the faulty injector that was stuck open. Sorry not familiar with the terms hydraulic lock and 'bumped the gasket' , what would cause this to happen and what would the damage be? Thanks Chris
  7. Thanks - I am just praying its not the head gasket Pressure cap looks fine - could it be faulty but look fine? ( Sorry for stupid sounding questions) Would the cap being faulty cause the problems I am describing? Anymore idea's ? Thanks
  8. Hi Hope you guys / girls can help me out. Long read please bare with me. Last week I got my car remapped by Andy F. Since then my car has been over heating alot. Although I did manage to drive all the way to edinburgh and half way back with no problems at all. It started by the temperature guage staying on red for like 2 secs then going back down to normal temp but then it started staying on red. Obviously I was not driving on red for any amount of time. I discovered that the coolant from the resovoir (sp) tank was not staying in there ( one on top left of the engine) , it just kept going into the main tank( one beside battery) causing this to overfill. I thought this was a sign of my head gasket going, so first of all i drained the coolant then replaced it with brand new stuff. Then I took it to a garage close to me to check the head gasket. They said nothing was wrong at the moment. I got the car back last night. Last night I took it for a wee drive and everything was fine for about half an hour but again it started to over heat. Stopped at a garage and again nothing in resovoir(sp) tank and the main tank had overfilled again. Filled the resovoir tank( one on top left of the engine) back up with coolant and drove home 10 miles and it never over heated once. I dont have a clue what this could be , Has anyone got any ideas at all??? Thanks Chris
  9. cheers guys for the sympathy ha. Yeah as people have said it can only get better. Booked into AWD next Tuesday to get it sorted. Hopefully Andy gets a cancelation soon Unfortunatly they were second hand. Bought of a Guy on scooby net, suppose it teaches me not to buy things second hand but then again you expect things to be working when you buy off enthuasist (sp) sites like thiis or Scooby net. Sorry Higgy, I really appreciated then offer , I will definatly phone next time. Next question is - where can I source One injector from ??
  10. Hey guys. Most have you have prob read my threads recently. Well today has been the biggest disaster EVER. First of all left my house heading to AWD, Perth to get my injectors fitted. On the way the car decides to over heat. Water temperature was past the red. Had to stop about 10 times on the way. One of the hoses was leaking, so coolant was pissing out everywhere under the engine causing alot of smoke. Finally I got to AWD, they sorted the coolant problem and fitted my injectors for me. Car was very lumpy and alot of white smoke was coming out of the exhaust. Anyway I thought this was common after changing the injectors and set on my way to meet Andy F in Port Seaton. When I arrived, Andy knew straight away there was something up because of the strong smell of fuel. He hooked up his laptop and discovered a misfire in cylinder three. He run a few more tests and came to the conclusion that the injector in cylinder 3 must be broken, therefore could not map my car. To say I am gutted is a understatement. Waste of a day, quite alot of money and worst thing is I will most likely have to wait a few weeks before Andy can fit me in again. Well there is my rant for the day. How was everyone elses day ? ha Chris
  11. Thanks for the replies guys. smoke now seems to have go away ( fingers crossed it stays away) Oh I cant wait till tomorrow now hehe
  12. # Not be able to ckech exhaust yet cause not had two people at the car at same time. Sorry quite new to this but what are the turbo oil seals?
  13. Please dont say a bad turbo please ha. Yeah alot of coolant went all over the place so HOPEFULLY it will justbe that. Another quick question ? Can I just use any type of coolant ? or does it need to be a certain type? Do i fill both the coolant tank up the the wee tank just above the coolant towards the front of the car?
  14. No second hand. Why you asking?
  15. Hey you may have read some of my threads over the last few days asking for help and advice. I promise this will be the last one. I have fitted my new turbo, TMIC , fuel pump, and up pipe over the weekend. I started the car up last night to idle for a while to let the oil move around the engine again but ... This is when I discovered some smoke coming from the turbo area. Not alot but enough - smells bad also . The only thing I can think of is, burning oil that has came out when taking the old turbo off Anyone think of anything else it could be ? Thanks Chris
  16. Got it booked into AWD at 9am tomorrow morning. All sorted !! Thanks anyway guys
  17. Will obviously pay petrol and will give a good amount of money since its short notice. Just need it done tomorrow night or tuesday morning no matter what. Hopefully AWD can do it, but if not then I need help. Anyone ..... please? Desperate or what haha
  18. Yeah I am going to ring them in the morning but will they not be fully booked up and its awful short notice ? Just trying to see if anyone could help if I cant get a garage to do it. Thanks
  19. Hey guys. Huge huge favour I am asking here. If you seen my other thread about fitting injectors well. .. I never had time to get my injectors done, mainly because I didnt know really what I was doing. I need them changed by Tuesday 1pm as I am getting my car remapped by Andy F Long shot but is there anyone who would help me out tomorrow night ( or Tuesday morning) and help fit the injectors ? Would obviousily be a hand over of cash for the help. Thanks alot guys Chris
  20. Thanks very much Higgy I have removed the Battery, water bottle and bracket from passenger side. Can see the injectors now Drivers side I have removed the airbox. Will go remove the reisvoir bottle, so I can get to remove the bracket. Thanks for the advice and number. Will give you a shout if I need any help
  21. On a newage, sorry forgot to mention that. Its just getting to them on the newage. Alot of stuff in the way of them. Air box, water bottle, battery etc.
  22. Thanks for reply again. Yeah I have removed wash bottle and battery on pass side. I can see the injectors now. Just need to remove the shield in front of the injectors. It was the driver side I am worrying about. Do I need to remove anything else apart from the airbox ? ( Na got TMIC) Thanks Chris
  23. Thanks for the quick reply. Sorry got a newage wrx. Yeah done everything else, well apart from fitting the new turbo - but that should be fine. Haha easy - I cant even find the ones on the drivers side and the ones on passenger side I can see but cant get to. Any advice how to remove them ? Cheers
  24. Hey I am in the middle of fitting new turbo, TMIC, up pipe, fuel pump and injectors before I get remapped by Andy F on Tuesday. I am running out of time badly. Therefore I dont think I will have time to get the injectors fitted in time. ( Dont know how to do it also) Would it be ok drving about 70 ish miles on standard injectors with everything else fitted ? Off boost of course. Thanks Chris
  25. Hey guys Having problems removing my injectors. Ones on passenger side does not look to bad but drivers side I cant even see them or know what to remove to get to them? Any advice would be great . Thanks
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