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Everything posted by stiggy

  1. 1. Granby 2. Scooby Hoo? & Jazz Jill 3. scoobytibs + mrs tibs (cracking restaurant good choice) 4. Dunks and Mrs 5. mr and mrs eureka ( hope ernie behaves him self) 6. Stiggy and Miss Stiggy 7. 8. 9.
  2. When is the latest you need to know by mate as planning a winter break for then..
  3. Nice toy mate. Right can we start a list of everyone that wants to go round Dazzlers house for car cleaning, that does look fun.. 1. Stiggy 2. 3. 4. 5. O/J but you can do mine for me if you like
  4. Happy birthday mate Glad your looking forward to tonight. Shame I can't make it, although not my kind of thing
  5. Ill call you later mate and we can sort it
  6. An honest man. Nice one Col
  7. Who got lost then.. Anyone from here??
  8. I have been asked to post this up on here by a member on SES hope it doesn't break any rules Nicked on the night of 05/09/08 in Hailsham, in Haylands Green,Just off battle Road. Please help two very unhappy boys. grey masai 150, graphite grey engine no: RFWAF52C15T000653 red masai 100,red with a black seat & grey foot wells, don't have the number for that one, it also had a broken front mud guard yellow masai 50.yellow with red decals (just stripes) engine no: RFWAH26C66T003200 All on a trailer the trailer was a galvanised 8ft x 5ft just like this one Please keep a look out
  9. Can't get link to work Looks like it's deleted
  10. Thanks for my new items Jay and also to Skullfudge for delivering them to me
  11. I does appear to be the case Just hope he doesn't come up with some sort of big boned cover story.... Oh there it is good job he's a nice guy But that hole is so so deep
  12. Site is up and running
  13. Don't tell anyone. I Might be able to get your cloths this weekend if they have them in stock
  14. I heard you were fast.. very impressive
  15. Welcome Hope to see you at a meet
  16. umm lovin the smell of burnt plastic Good luck Don't forget the stanley knife works wonders on stringy mastic
  17. These are the ones you need mate Bulbs They are the push fit ones rather than twist fit and go in the front and rear indicators. The side ones you can get from main dealer
  18. Cruel but it could be true
  19. not sure if I was snoring though
  20. Cant remember as 2 minutes later I was asleep
  21. Not sure about seeing the finished project my names down on the list for a passenger ride
  22. Ah yes.. oh well somethings you just can't get bored with
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