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  1. WWW.CymraegScoobieClub.Co.Uk

  2. No one else??
  3. Hi all We at Cymraeg Scoobie Club will be having a run/BBQ at Elan Valley Dams in Mid Wales on July 13. (http://www.vagavalley.co.uk/elan_valley.htm) You are all more than welcome to join us. (http://bbs.scoobynet.com/wales-26/696395-cymraeg-scoobie-club-july-sunday-meet.html) Or please sign below 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Julian
  4. Wont be long now South Wales Scoobys Stand Group 1 1. andy 2. SSS (ordered ticket sunday only) 3. turboDean 4. Fms hopefully 5. mp24 6. Emily 7. Gav_UK 8. DannyBoy007 9. WRX287 (Tickets ordered.Sunday only) 10. VC 11. Yan 12. WRXewl 13. catalunya 172 14. wrx,sti 15. Dan W 16. Mean machine 17. WRX RCY 18. red2 19. MrMelon 20. Taylor (Sunday only) 21. Blue in his Leggy 22. Pippyrips (Sunday only - assuming i'm welcome) 23. Evil.soup 24. Glenn 25. SIDC Stand Group 2 1. JLDSTI 2. bossurk 3. Willswrx 4. mervil 5. ozz/crew 6. greenperil 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Kev Will SIDC stand be having any flags or banners? Cheers Julian
  5. Hi All We would like to invite you to a joint MEET/BBQ on Sunday July 27. The Provisional plan so far is to meet you at M4 Jct 33 Services at 11am and have small convoys to a Place called Fontagary near Cardiff airport for a BBQ. Fontagary is a caravan park on the coast and it has a clubhouse, a biggish play area for Kids and a large green for parking and Cooking. The location may change but the date will stay the same. I look forward to hearing from you. Julian Cymraeg Scoobie Club P.S. If Fontagary is unavailable we will try Ogmore by Sea..
  6. Well done JD, More money for the Animal!!!
  7. Thank You Jacqui and your fellow sidc'ers from the Cymraeg Scoobie Club lot for a good day and the great Parade laps!! Good job i was there or Sharon would have sold my car( White Sti type 20) to Parker for 6k...LOL Thanks again and we look forward to repaying the favour with ajoint meet in the summer. Julian
  8. 1.s.p/edmondo - Somerset and Wiltshire 2.Parker - Devon 3.Glyn sti - Wales 4.emma - Somerset and Wiltshire 5.Robocop - Somerset and Wiltshire 6.Terry Butcher - Devon 7.Monkip1 - Somerset and Wiltshire 8.Dannyboy007 - Wales 9.kjdmk1 - Wales 10.jd/vix - Devon 11.bailey - Somerset and Wiltshire 12.Evil Soup - Wales 13.Redscooby - CADS 14.Ozzreid1964 - Wales 15.WR1JLD (JLDSTI) - Wales
  9. Hi Monkip1 Met you yesterday at the quarry sidc area, nice to meet you. I was with wife and kids in a white sti. Your Car looks lovely BTW JLD
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